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That Gon u. taken-notice-of Atheifme doth produce. As, wben men fball avoid croifes, rather than tiiUle; noi: confidering,that the wrath and difpleafureof Godgoes with tt; which is thegreateft evill that can befall us : What is the reafon of it ? That whereas the greatefr croife is exceeding light, if the wrath of God be put in the other ballance; what is thereafon,tbat yet this fhould overweigh tht other,in our apprehenfion, ifwebe fully per– fwaded of this principle,That GQJ made Heaven and Earth? Wnat is the reafon,that when crotfes and finne come into competition,as two feverall wayes,whereof wee muft neceffarily chufe one; whywill men rather turne afide from a cro1fe, to finne againft GoJ,and violate the peace of their c:on{ciences, rather than undergoe loffes,or croffes,orimp.rifonment? . Againe,what is the reafon thatwe are fo readie topleafe, and loth to difpleafe men, asapptent friend or enemie, rather than GDg l If this principlewere fully beleeved,That there is aGod tkat made Heaven and Earth, you would not. doe (CJ; 1 The Prophet lf~iah doth expreffe this mo'ft elegantly, Jfai.~r·.I2,I3,14· who~trtt~u th~tt~trta- l{,t 3, frllidofmlln that fha!Jdie,antl. thepnneDfmt~n,r~hich 14c. fba!J bemAdeat gr~tffe,andforgettejl the Lord thyMA– ker;wbichflretchedforth the He~tvent,~tnd lAidthe{oulfdation ofthe Earth1 As .if bee lhould fay, What , Atheifme is this in the hearts ofmen ? Whence elfe are alfo thofe deceits, lyes, and ; lhiftings, to make things faire with men, when they know-that God is offendedwith it,wbo feeth all things. · · What