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4 ':fbat Go 9 u. \lVhat is the rea[on that men are fo fenfible ofoutward fhame, more thanof fecret .finnes; ' and care fo much what men thinkeof them, and fpeake ofthem,and not what Godfees orknowes? Doth not this declare that men thinkeas thofe Atheifts,ofwhom Job fpeakes, Io!J zz. and doe they not conceive in fome degree,as thofe doe,as ifG o D didnot defcend beneath the circle ofthe Hea– 'l!tns tD the Earth, and his eyes were barred by the curt4inesofthe night, that he did not take notice of the wayes ofmen ? and looke how men doe thisin a greater meafure, fo much greater Atbe– ifme they have. Againe;ifyou d0ebeleevetha·t there is fuch a GtJd, what is the reafan when you have any thing todoe; that you runne to crea.tures,and feek help them, and bufie your felves wholly about outwardmeanes, and'feeke not t~ Godby prayer, aad renewing of your repentance ·? ifyou did fully ·~eleeve that there is a Qi.(jd, youWGuld ra– ther doe this. - · Againe, What is the reafon that menarecar~ riedawaywith theprefent, as Ariftotle calls it, ~ ·:,"" , this famevery(nunc) doth tranfport a man 'from the wayes of vertue to vice, that they are 1:oobufieabout the body,and are careleffe ofthe immortall foule,that they fuffer that to lie,likea forlorne prifoncr, ·and to ftarve within them ? Would you doe·fo, ifyou did be!eeve that there is fuch a Gof!, that made the foule; to whorn it ·mufl: returne and.givean account, a·nd live with 'him for ever? Againe,