Preston - BT100 P8 1634

'f'{e ~~ Draw fuch confequcncc:a . as may~rife from fuch a cencluion. . Tha1 Goo u. decent, and you will carry your felves with fuch reverence, as becomes him in whofe prefence you ftand; this proceeds from Atheifme in tae hearts ofmea, ·not beleeving the Lord to bee bee that fills the Heaven) and the Earth : Therefore as you finde tbefe things in you, more or leffe, fo labour to confirme this principle more and more to your felves; and you fuould fay, when you ~eare tbefe arguments, certainly I will more firmely, furely1will hover no more about it :for to what end are more lights br~ught, but that you lhould feethinKs.more cleercly, 'which youdi~ not before?So t_nat this double ufe you tball make 0f it: . One is, to fixe this conclufion in your hearts, and to fallen it daily upon your foules. The fecond is, if there be fuch a mightyGod, then labour to draw fuch confequ~nces as may arife from fuch a concluGon: a~, If there bee fuch an one that fills Heaven and · Earth; then looke upon him, as one that fees all y~u doe, and heares whatfoever you fpcake: As when you fee a (hip patre dtorow the Sea,and fee the failes applyed to rhewind,and taken downe, and boyfed up againe,as the winde requir~s, and lhall fee it keep fuch a con fi:ant courfe, to fuch a , . Haven, avoiding the rockes and fands, you will fay,furely there is one within that guides it;forit could not doe this ofit felfe:or as when you look upon the body ofman, and fee it l~ve and (I)ove, anddoethealHonsof a living man; .you .malt: · needs fay,the hodycould not doe this ofit fdfe, . · · ·but I '