Preston - BT100 P8 1634

I That Gon u: .Againe;what is·-rhe reafon that men doe feeke fo-for the things of this life, are fo carefnH in . building houfes, gatbering:eftates, & preparing for thetnfelves -here fueh ·goodly .- Manlionsfor bodies, anJ·fpend -bo time to -ad.orne-the ·fqu le, (when yet tnefe doe but graceus amangft ,men, and are oniyfor prefent.ufe} and looke not forthofethings wbich' commend the foule to 6-cd, ·and rega-rd noteternity, in which the foule , muft live :~ I fay, wh~t' is the reafon of this, if t~ercbe notfome g~ounds· offecret Atheifme in men ? , · VVhat istliereafon tn~ttnere.i({l.tch 'fhipidity inmen;;that the t~reatnings ~illbotmove them, tbeywill be movedwith-nofhing:,like beafts,but ' prefent ftrokes ;· that they qoe·not fore-fee the plague,toprevent it,but goon,and arepunHhec;l? ·AndfoforG'o D s promifes and rewards; W ·hy .will you not forbearc finne, that youmay receive the promifes and·the rewards? .: Whence is this fiupidity bothwayes? Why arewee as beall:s, led \vith fenfuality) that wewill not be dra~vn to ' that which belongs toGod, and his Kingdome·? Is notthis an argument of fecret Atheifme, and ·impietie in the ~heart of. every- man·i more or leffe? : Againe, what is .the reafoh that when men come intot~e prefence ofGod, they carry them· felves fo 'neglig~ntly,'notcaring how their foules . areclad, andwhat the behavior ofdl-eir fj)irits is : before him' ~: If you .. tbould· come' before men, youwould looke:that-your cloathes be neat and\ decent., 8 1