Preston - BT100 P8 1634

1 ThAt Gon u. \ JJ · ofits coutfe, as in our bodies there be fickneffes . . and diftempers,fo there are in the great body of ~dlbel!'dfler ~a h . d . 0:. d J , tne o y OJ; t e World,lhange mun at tons, trres an a tethe worlda rations; now ifrher~ were not a free Agent, that governes thefe, why are thefe things fo,and why nomore?why do thefe things go fo farre, and no fur~her?whyare there any alterations at all? and when any alteratious come tO paffe, who is hee that fioppeth them? why cloth thefea over-flow fome places, andgoe no further? who is he that ·fets bounds to thern,but only theLord?Therfore this we may Iearne from it,the confiancyofthefe things lbewes thewifdomeofGotl; (as it is wif.. dome in us to doe things conftantly)and againe, the variety ofthings iliews the liberty of the A– gent;for the aCtions ofNature are determined to r one,butGod fhewes his liberty in this,that he can and doth cbangeandalrer them at his pleafure. Beftdes,the things that are ordinary among£1: us, wherein there is no fuch fwerving, but they are confi:ant in their courfe, doth not Godguide them and difp<?feofthem as he pleafeth ?· as the former and the latter raine; doth not God give more or Ie!fe, according tohisgood pieafure ? .. which fhewes,that all things have not continued alike; but that there is aGod, th4t governes ~he world.And as it is thus with natural things,fo in other things alfo; you (hall fee fome judgments and rewards upon fome, and not upon otherSJ Ohbut, yotl fay, the world hath ciJntinued wiry ObjeH. / / !long, and·there U4 prtmifeDfhiHOmming, bUt wee I fee no fuch thing ? · f D ' But