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l t\iiiiiki!i . : 34 .A..n[w. Objeff. ~nfi\1~ Anfw. _E~[\. r. 1 t . That Go n is. But faith the L oR o :~ A thotJfand yeeres are 'tl) mee M but one day, an~ one day a.r tt thoufand yeeres • As if bee fhould fay; it may feeme long toyou, who meafure time by motion and revolution, to "your narroyv under!l:anding it may feeme long; Qllt to 6(Jd It cloth not: A thoufand yeeres with him, is but as one day. Where, by the way, wee £hall anfwer that fond. objed:ion: Howthe Lord imployed himfclfe before the creation ofthe World? · A thoufand yeeres tohim is bur as one day, and againe,oneday is as the longeft time,that is, there is no differece oftime with him. Towhich I may adde this; that, who knoweth what the Lordhathdone.? indeed-e. he,made butane world ttoour knmvledgc,butwho knoweth what he did jt>efore,and what h~ will doe after; who knowes i his counfcls?and who is able to judgeofhim, or ofhis adiGns.iwe caa knownomore,-nor judge no otlierwifc than he bath rcvcated;wehave. no other booke to looke into, but tbe Booke ofhis Vvord,and thebooke ofthis World, and there– fore tofeeke any further, is wife above fo– b.riety,and above that which is written . . But whence thencomes this promifdJOtls ad– minill:ration of things, which fecmes to make thingsnmneupon w·heeles ? they have no certain . ·conde, but <Ue turned vpftde downe :whence comes this topafie, if there. bea God that ru1es I . Heaven and earth ? . . : For anfwerof this, looke in E'zek; r. where ym1-l1avc ane.x.prdfronofthis)ofth!ngs running . . . _ upon