Preston - BT100 P8 1634

\ That Goo a. it tbine more,and growmore: there.fore,faith he, rejoyce when you fall into varietie o_f th~m; for the varietieofthe·mwil cure that varietie ofevils and difeafes in us: as povertie may do that which lickndfe cannot do,attd imprifonment may heale that -which povert~or difgrace cannot doe, ~c. ThiagssrenGt · Soon the contrary, thofe things are not alwaye~ ~~:,~h~;~~o good,which we account good: as when a man thinkc arc. goes on from one good blefling to another, and is carried with a profperous winde,and findes no change in any thing ; this may alfo tend to his hurt and deftru6tion,as the other tohis falvation: thefe !lay the foolilh, fven as the other fave the 1 \godly; forthefeoftentimes doe make the foule fouler and fouler, and make itto be more ruftie. ·~. \jfh-is want ofchanges makes men todepart from · ·'Goa,and.fallin~o evill; whereas the other makes us the more carefully to cleanfe our wayes, and to cleave more firmely to him: 'Therefore,let us take heed that webe not deceived about thefe evils. obje6t• S· What is the reafon then, that as dyes the beaft, fo cloth man dye; to our appearance, there are none that rife from the dead ? Indeed, if one {b.ould, come from Heaven, or Hell, and bring us wonl what is done there, W€e ihould ..An[w: beleeve it; but when did an1 ever he;~re of fach Hee tha& bew athing ? - . leeves nst you have more than ifa -man {houid come . ~:the:~!: from the dead, from either of thefe twoplaces; though one for you have ehrift corn~ int.o thewodd' :from fuouldhridfc 3 ' .thebofomeof theFather,andhehath brought u from t e eau. . _ newes,