Preston - BT100 P8 1634

l That Go o iJ. · · newes,what is done there. Befides,~ee have.God. himfelfe, who is, as it were, come from,Heaven, and bath revealed many things unto us, and bath declared his will,what bee would ·have us .to doe, as to Mofes upon Mount Sinai : and furely hee would have done fo to this day, but that our weakeneffe cannot endure the brightne1fe and _/ greatneffe of his Majeftie; but wee would fay as the people·clid : Let not the L(}rd jpeake to m · any more left wee dye, hut let Mofu; let him fend his Meffengers , let ·himfclfe fpeake no more. Againe, the Spirit whe,reby tlie Prophets and Apo!l:les fpake to us, was it not fent from Heaven) Furtb~rm~re, fuppofe one.{bould corn~ . fron1. either of thofe~two places, would yoLI:heleeve him~ It might be a falfe relatioa;,would you . , beleeve him, without further -ground. P But it· is a dire~ anfwer which our Saviour giveth to this q~elH_on,Luke _1 6. the.two lafi: Veries;it was · c.~ 1,. theobJecbonof D . ) If there ·came one from . the dead againe, they would belee·ve : Ahraham anfwers ; .. They .have qfts and the ProphetJ,and if they wilt not beleeve them, theywiUnot be!ee'Ve, though one fhould come frem the de.ed : As if bee fhould I fay, thefe carry greater evidence in them, they bave more power ·to .confirme the truth they delivered, that ·it came from the great -G o D . of Heaven and Earth , than i.f a man !h~uld. arife from the dead, ifwee confider the many ' miracles which theydid, and holy life.which they led .. But, .......