Preston - BT100 P8 1634

Vedicatorie. ---1 hand. For, as dy-ing faco!J laid his right hand upon the yongefi fon · . offofeph:Soqoddid ftretch forth ' hts on t:his, the lafi iffue ofthe e(y... ing Author; w~_eA out <rl a wombe (as then) {o deadand·drye-d, hee brought forth a e5'vf an~child [o flrong and vigorous : A-s alfo, when by the Parents .in1mature departure, it feemed tobe adjud– ged to death and darkneffe, that yet by the fame hand it was pre.... ferved, ·andat lafl throughmany · hazzards deliveredunto us, ,vho by the dyingPttrent,wereappoin.. ted to the Mid..-,vives Office, in bringing it forth to the publike j~ew. · .t\nd, if 'vee n1~yefiimate the writings ofmen, by the fame rule A 3 wher~ ' '