Preston - BT100 P8 1634

r r--- . I ! I .. 'The epijile where b_y wee ~re to judgo_of the 'vorks ofq'bdhimltlfe; and thofe \Vorkes of qod •extell the refi, which do mofi clferly !hew forth him the .llilthorofthem:and ther.-. - fore Grace, though but an acci.-. dent in _the foule, isoff~rre n1ore price with qod > than all mens . foules devoid of it, becaufe it is the lively In1ageofnis Holinelfe) 'vhich is the beautie. \;Ve could not imagin,how this workfhould not bee valued when it came a.;. . . broad, ·that pre.fents- -to all mens· underflandings~fo cleare, evident and immediatexprefsions ofqod, his~ame&Attrihutes. And·in-– deedwhatvafi and bou·ndles vo..- · lumesofheaven,earth&he1,hath-.· (joclbinpleafed tO:.pubJ:ifh tomaJ(e l · · lbaowm