Preston - BT100 P8 1634

Objtfi. That Gon it. Ifyou aske me, hGw faith differs from reafon, · this fecondproofediffer& from the for– mer? ..A~fw~ I anfwer, after this n1anner :There is a double AtfeJ.u;eugle• . a!fent: One i_s a doubtfull affent, wb.icpwee call Opinion, that is, when we a.ffent to theone parr, foas we feare the contrary to be true. l)i.fferen·eebe· tweenc Faith arui rcafen, ; Reafon for that that fai-th' bcleeve,b. The other is, a firme affent, and this is twofold : Either it is grounded upon reafon, which . we call Knowledge: orelfe it is grounded upon the authority ofhim that reveales it;and this we call Faith. And the difference of them frands in this : The object of the firfr, which wee call Knowledge, are naturall things, fuch as Goddid notreveaiehim[clfe, but they lye~ before us, and reafon can find themout : but Faith beleeveth things that are revealed by GfJd, yet fo, as that there is reafon for them, as well as for the other-. For if one come and tell you any thing, and if you beleeve it, you can giv_e a reafon of it, and why you beleeve it:~ afivell as ofany other natu– rall conclufion ; as that he isawife man,and one that I knowwill tell the truth, I have had expe- ' rience of him heretofore. Even fo, when you be!eeve the Scriptures, you cangiv~a reafon for it ; it is, becaufe Goddelivered it, and he cannot lye; but nmv, how doe ye know that God deli– vered it ? Becaufe the men that delivered it·, in his Name, did confirme it by workes, andmi– racles, and predittions of time; fo that reafon runnes along together with Faith: onely there : is this difference betweene them; Faithaddeth! to