Preston - BT100 P8 1634

Tla1 Go·n· u. to the eye of reafon, and raifeth it highers for the underfianding is converfant,as about things of reafon,fo alfo about things ofFaith; for they are propounded to tile underftanding, only they are above it,and rnufi: have-fa-ith torevealethem; ~s whenMojhfaith,,Jn the heginfling GoDmAde the HeA:venand the Earth: when wee heare fuch a propofition, reafon cloth but 1ooke upoa it, and cannot {eejt at : faith helpeth reafon to goe further; therefore Faith is but an addition to tlle firength ofreafon : when it could goe no further,Faithmakes it to go further: as one that bath dimme eyes,he can fee better-with thehelp ofSpeetacles:eve fo cloth the eye ofreafon, by a fupernatural faith infufed.So that all the things which we beleeve,.have a credibilitieana entitie in them, and they are the :objects ofthe u~erfl:anding; but we cannot find thetn'out, without fome !upernatural help.As ifyouwould ;choofe a rightjewelf'; (you know there are tn~!_lY·E:oUn· terfeit ones) how fhould yo~1 know· a ~ truebile? · The fiander·by cannotte:ll, In-a~ pidarypr a Ieweller,andhe knowes it;bt!caufe.he is skilled in it. Now,as there are the I'\lwcls} and they are to ~--difcerned and-diffcrcmced; ·.but all Iyes in ·the ski!I : So it is in the things ~hatare · "revealed byGod, andbynaturaU reafon, to know which areof!5od,whkh not;thereare thethings) , and they are t6 be feene, ye~, the things them" f~lves have <;hara&ers, by which they-may b~e dtfcerned: but let two men looke uponthem, , one beleeves, and the other dothnot; thereaf~n IS, ... . 47 Faith rairerh rC!lfO!l mgbc;r, · -";. ~ .. 'i'"'~ .• -.:_. ; rr • • ·tu' ' 1 , ' l ,. \ . ··• _.,. ~: ) ,j "1" - '"\ t 'T ... . . I . . . '