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That GoD;,. is one man goes no further than reafoo, but the other doth;oae is helped from above, and the o– ther is.not,bewants·that'lighr,thathabit of skill , which the other.hath. I Three wares l . b . . ·rc d . ll I · whereby faith ~ Now t us e111g prenu e ut-genera , et us camel"~ chat 1fee how faith g-athers, that the S-criptures are · ::~:~~~::• true,and that all that is~ them is -true; andcon– confequefttly fequentlr, that there 15 a G 0 D that made the chattbcre iu I world:It gethers it by thefe three heads: 'Gtd,thacma411e h I k . h S . d l the worlL W enaman oo es mtot e cnptures,-an , · 4 fees the phrafes ·ofthe Prop~ets and Apoft1es, faying, Thu1.,fo.ith the ·L~r-d; bee confiders ifthis be from God)then it muft ne-eds be true. But no\V the queftion .is, whetherit was delivered truely, and therefore-bee lookes upon themen that did delil'erit,as.upon Mofts, &c. and ifhe can find any evictence in.them, that-they-delivered it tru– ly, without collufion;then he beleeveth that it is fo, and fo faith layes hold and pitches upon · ; PreGfes tltu ! Mo{ctandoit,an4 givesfolidaffentunto it. .· . Now~ the·proofes,wherebyweChew that tbefe menhavefp9ken truely by the Holy Gho£l:, are l &her pen· men ' ofScrip~ure, · fpakebydae \ l'iolyGhoil. ' \ s The miracles ' waich were: . 1 VUiblc. tbefe three : - The Miracleswhich they wrought:wherinthis is firtl: to beconfidered, that theywere fuch mi– racies,aswere done beforemany witnetfes; they were not done in a corner, where onely two or three were,and fo 'clared to thepeopl~)as many I falfe miracles are;But they were done before ma-: ny thoufands:as the fiand~ fiill oftheSun,the plagues oflEgypt, the ·dividingofthewarers,the Ma1,1nah that came downe from Heaven, the wa. ter