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~- J virt u; 3: · Prom the Scriptures . themfelves. I Their·Maje• rue. ' JuttiU4 conver. ted fromA· ·theifmc. That Go o i-s. They have teflimony from the Samarit~tns. and they were enemies to the lewu,and therebe~ ing oncea rent made, were never reconciled a.– gait1e: yet in theSamaritanBible,therc is no dif– ference at all, to anypurpofe. Now addeto this, the tcll:imony ofthe Churches from chrifls time_ downward, frill it bath continued; fo as inEufe– biruand Earoni~you (hall fee plentifull tefl:imo– nies thereof. The third Argument is from the Scriptures themfelves, ifyouconfiderbutthefe 3. things. 1 The mA-jefly and piainneffe ofthe ll:ile, and the manner ofthe expreffions, a meere relation, and no more. In the begimsing waJ the Word, & c. Where cloth anybookeexprelfe ir_felfc in fuch a manner,in the relatiGn ofany fiories ? So that it ·carries evidence it is from God;infomuch that lu– nius reading the firft chapter-ofJohn, was ftricken with an amazement, by a kinde ofdivine and .fl:u– pendious authority, and fo bee. -was converted from Atheifme, as himfelfe faies in his life. _ 2 Ifyou confider thepurityofthe doQ:rine.For ifa man.would deceive the world;then thet~ings that he teaches,muft needs be to pleafe ·men; but the Scripture is quite contrary, it tics men to fi:ri a rules,and therfore fee how it is entertained, and how•hard it is for men tokeep it in the purity of the D-o&rine,: which is an argument it came fromGod. Now if the Scriptures were delivered bymen, then either bygood men or bybad;ifby ,holy men, then theywould fpeake the-t ruth~· and not lye; ifbybad men, then they would never have