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That Gon u. S7 ,have fet downe fuch ftriet rules of doctrine that ~ they muft live by, ·which alfo condemne them· ·felves. 3- Confider the Antiquity of them, they were 3Antiquity~ before all other Heathen fi:ories ; which will anfwer an obje&ion, name~y,why there is no more tefi:imony from them ofthe Scriptures? Theanfwer is, that when the Scriptures were ended their writings did but begin, there being little ufe, and le!fe knowledge of learning in thofe daies, men living in the fimplicity of thofe times according to the rules of Nature; for it feemes the Grecianswere the firfr, or rather the Chaldees;· amonglt whom there we_re not fo manyBookes written then, as afterward. Nowwhen all thefe thingsareconfidered, we · are brought to .beleeve the Scriptures are the Word of GBd, wherein you can finde this fet downe thattnere is a Goil, that.made Heaven and ' Eartb,then this begets faith; and fo,Byfaithwee !Jeleeve (as here the ApoG:le faith) that there isone ·God. I confeffeall this which bath beene faid is · not enough, unlefic Goa infufeth an inward light l by ·his Spirit to -wor-ke this faith, .but yet . there is enough left in the Scriptures . togiveevidence of them~ felves. . · TtHE· L ._ • l ~ '