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60 A dif'ierencc bctweene the Writings of the Pen-men ofScripture, and olher ho~ It men~ I Thae G oo u. · over, the Scripture bath a tedimonie more anci– ent.than the authoritie ofthe Church:~and there– fore cannot receive its authoritie fwm any; the Scripture being the nr!l: truth, it cannot bepro~ ·ved byany other: lt is the confeffion of their owne VVriters, that Theol1gi" non eft ~trgtlmtntttth·~, :; Thcologic is not argumentative, to prove its owne principles,butonely our deductionsout ofit: As alfo, they fay, wee cannot prove the Scriptures,probttndo,[ed[olvendo, not byproving, but byanfivering,and refolvingobjetl:ion.smade againll: i.t. In all other things,you fee, it is fo: .as i the Stat'ldard, being the rule of all, cannot be ;knowne but by it felfe; the Sunne that ibewes 1 light toall things elfe, cannot be knowne byany lother light but its owne : fo the Scripture 3 that is the_groundofall other truths,cannot be knowne, but by the evidence·Ofthofe truths that it carries in it felfe. Wee·have onely this word to beadded rtrore concerning the Scriptures. You £hall obferve this difference betweene the Writings of the £cripture, that were written byholymen infpi– red by the Holy Ghoil:, and all mens Writings in the World. In mens Writings, you fhall fee / that men are prayfed and extolled ~ fomething fpoken of their wifedome, and of their courage, and what a as they have done ; there is no fiorie ofany man, but you fhall finde fomething ofhis prayfe in it: but you t11all finde the quite eontra:. rie in theBooke of God; there is nothinggiven , to men, but all to Godhimfelfe s as Mofes,Dilvid, · • · Pa~ '