Preston - BT100 P8 1634

That Gon 'iJ. .: Paffl,and alLtbe Worthies -recorded 'in theS·cri p., ture,.you tbaU finde n0thing givent0 t-hem. Of Davi4 itis faid, t-h~t he ~alked·wifcly,, becaufe the . L~rd wM with-him; it not his-·owrie ftrength : .-. fo,when they had any vi6t-Orie~itw'&snot tht0L1gh their ownecourage,or fl:ratagems that they ufed, but the L-oan did give theirenemies inro their hand:s. And P-Aul,whowas th~meanesofconver– tiQgfo• manythou{ands,af~dbe~nodiing tohim~ felfe,but fayes it was tQegrAceof GoD, thatwas with him. So~s•mfonwas ftrofl'g,hot yet it is fa id th-~t:.he hadb~~ftr~ngt~ fr<>A!l- a?,'·: a~d thts .rs an a~gument)that the£-c;rtptures w·erewnt61 ten by holymen infpired by rhe Holy tihoft. ." · Seeing ·thenwehavefuchjuQground to.beieeve· Yfe: that .thereit4 Go a ·fhlf.t made HeAven ttnd Elirth, . To co~fir~e nd th h . d 1•• h. ,fJ;C. hofh. . . d . t1 h our fauh m a at t u W{!f' >'}'1'11C tC;t'IJiet . tm;U m. et'! t ~I this 6rfi prin· WordofGon; thtsufewe~retoinakeoftt,that ciple. it 'might not be invainetous: It fhould teachus to con6rme-this firfi: principle, andnuke it fine, ,feeing al1 ·the-reft ambuilt upon it; therefore we have reafon toweigh it;;that we inlly give fuil con-~ fe.ntto i t,andnot a weakeone·. · · · · ,< Bur, ycitt will fay, this is a principle tha~ needs Objea. not to be rhus urged~or made queflion of; there~ fotewhat need fo manyreafons to prove it? Even the ftrongefi: amangO: us nave frill n'eed to An[w~ increafe our faith in thisyoint, and thereforewee ?o~:~wo rea. have caufe to attend to It, and that- for thefe rworeafons : · · 1 - . 1 Becaufe thef~ prittcipies,_rliough t~ey be fo 1 7{~.[otn. common,ye~ there ts a greatdtfferenccm the be~\ > . :.~te~fe, ;. ·"- . .,. 4 •• ,, .,