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' 68· 1 Meanu. To confirme ,our faith in .·thefe princi· 1 ples. !1 Search and ~uamine them ;ce. the full. "J.:Meanu•. . Pray~r. I ~ '; ' mine thefe truths .to the 'full; not to give over pondering ofthem,till your hearts be eftablifhed in the prefent truth. It is good to doewich your felves,as Eliahdid in the cafe ofBaal; why haltyou . hetft'eene two Religions? Come to that disjuncH- . on; lfBaal 6.e g9d, follow him: SoI fay to you in . this cafe, examine it to the full; If thefc princi- . pies be not true,walke according to your libertie and Iufis, take no paines, but liveas your nature \Vould have you : ·but if they be true, then walke· fo, as if thou didfi: throughly beleeve them fo tO· be: the belecfe of them, is that which will carry . llS through allloffes and flanders, through ·.good · - report and ill report; if thou rhrough~y be- · leeve them, they would make thee doe any thing for God: I fa y,it is very profitable to come·to this disiun6tion, and it firengthens our faith much; and this being laid,then draw the conclutionfrom. ir,That we thus heremufi live,and here befi for us to doe fo • . .Topray toGod,to fl:rengthen our faith in thefe. common principles; to fay as the Difciples did, LoRD encreaft our faith: you fee that ChriHdid i:t~when Peters.faich faik~d him;-bee prayed,that i t might be fhengtbened·: And wl1enyou have found any weakeneffe, ordoubting, you mufl re– member, that faith; in thefe principics,is thegifr of God. Th·ere is inde~d a common faith,which others may b'av~, and thou tm1ye!l: have) but the fl:rong faith arifeth' ftom the Spirit, God difpen– feth it where be pleafeth': this i~fu fed faith is~~t ., got ten by ftrength ofargument, or perfpicuttte · of '