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\ · Tht#e Goo il. ' ' (. of the underfranding; it is not broug!lt in byCllfionie,but Godcloth worke it: it is not all the an– tecedent--preparation that will do ic,but GfJd mull: , fir Cl: worke it; and then you are able to beleeve thefe principles offaith)and able tobeleeve them to purpofe. . . . . When thou hall: fuch a habit lying in thy foule, 31'~e41teJ. the more thou readeft theWord,and acquainteft i ~}(ua~n~~Y . thy felfe with it, day by day, the more fl:rong Wo~d1~orce doth thy faith grow, .Rom. I o. FAith comu_by htAan~ more• ring,andheari11ghy the Word of Go o ; that is, it is x6m' 10 ' a meanes by whichGodworkes it,both in the beginning and encreafeof it. Therefore take that exhortation,which is inCol1jl. 3. r6. Let the word :c•lDff'. 3. tl. dwtU in you plenteou(ly,&c. that is,let itnot come !opened, as a firanger, looking to it now and then, (as it . is thefafhionof moft men)but let it be familiar · with you; let it dweOPithyttu,and let it dwellwith ;ou plentifuUy: that is, reade not a Chapter or two,but all theWord; be not content to know one part of it) but know it thorowout. La!l:ly, let it be in rt'ifdome-: ,Aman may reade rnuch,and underftand little,becaufc he knowcs not the mea– ning of it;~ child may-be able to fay much by heart, and yet not have it in wifdome: therefore let the Wordclwell plentifully in you 1 in all wi[- dQ~e. . .It is profitable to converfe with faithfuii 4 Mra»n. men. As it is (aid of BArnaba~, He 1:1.u am,m fis!l C~nvnfewirh of faith; therefore it'is faid, he converted many : faahfull men. l I . . . h h fc f h . \ Afls u. ~... , t 1s not mvame,t at p ra e.o t e Scnpture, . I flee rv.u aman fullof faith, and thereforemanywt-{e 1 · F 3 AddeiJ - l