Preston - BT100 P8 1634

I _I The fame faith both be4 )eeves that there is aGod, and :tpplyes tbe promifes in_Cbtifl. .. Thae Goo h. Oelecv~ and _a_pply the promifes of falvation, throqghChrijt, is the fame faithwhereby we be– leeye the Scripture, 3:nd that there is a God that made both Heaven and Earth. no diffe.. _ 'rcnce in this faith; yea, that ju£Hfying faith by which ~houart faved, arik:th from the beleefe of thefe principles; even as it was the fame eye, whereby the Jfraeliter did fee the Mountains and Trees,and other objects; and by which they faw the brazen Serpenr.Noman beleeves jufiificati:. on by chrift,but his faith is mainly grounded up-' on this WordofGod; for in Scrip~urewee finde that Ieflu ChriH is come in the fleib, andthat hec is a Lambe £laine for forgivene!fe offtnnes; that hee is offered to every creature, that a man mufl: thirft after.him,and then take up his Cro!fe ·and follow him. Now come toa belcever go– ing out of the World, and aske himwhat hope bee hat·h to bee faved, and what ground f~r it-? bee will be ready to fay; I ~now that Chrift is · come into theworld, and that bee is offeredltp; and I know that f am one of them that have a part in him ~ I know that I have fulfi,Iled the col:l– ditions, as that I Chould not continue willingly in anyknowne finne; that I tbould love the Lord Iefus, and de!ire to ferve him above all; I know that I have fulfilled rhefe conditions, and for all this I have the word for my ground:,ifthegroud wb~reonour faith is builded be the Word; then it Is builded on a fure Rocke,. and the gates of hell,Satan, and all his temptations (hall not pre– vaile againft it:but again.ft·a fl:rong fancyit may. ; · · There.. .·