Preston - BT100 P8 1634

Thai Goo· u. 'Scripture faith ofriches,tbat they are nothing, --whereas before thou thoughteft them ea be a llrong Tower,novr you will drink them to be b\lt - · a ftaffe efReed: So offinfulllu!l:s, which are f<t ;pleafing to-us, the Scripture faithof them, that theyfight Again.fl the fou/e; though t-hey-are fweet fe>r the prefen~t,yet they,are fmne in the later end; fo that thou .take£1: the judgement ofthe Scrip– tureagainft thine owne reafan. So for the prayfe -ofmen,fee what the Scripture faith, He is prayfe- .worthywhem 'GDd prayfeth ; and· thpu judgell: vaine-glory to be but a btilible: J fay, j£ youcould beleeve this thronghly, you would fet the judgementof the Scriptureagainft yourowne -reafons,and the opinionsofmen. Beftdes rhis, it_will breed notable fervencie in prayer~ when a man knoweth that there are fuch promifes, it will make him never give over,it wiH make him watch ~nd pray-continually, with all perfeverance;· though many times bee prayeth; and hath no .anfwer, as the W o'man of Can&an, yea, though he bath fometimes a cont·rarie anfwer and e1felt to·what he.asketh; yet when he bath Iayd h-old on the promifes,hewill not let g-oe, h~ will never give over: he knowes, Hee, l w~obath tromifed, iffaitbflfU; therefore h~ is not ltke awaveofthe Sea, tOjfedup4nd downervzth tvery tfind-e. ' ,. 7' ~ To be fervent in prayer. But it is not onely agroun'd' ·of. alhbis,but it ~ brings·fortn this 'etf-ea a·tf~, it d:otl\-exceedingly It ftrengthc· fi:rengtben our faith inm~tersofJ'uftification : nech faith in r. • • matters of ju• . tor tt .t s- certain~,thtt,diefame faitlhvnerebywe ftifi,acion. ______ ~-+~--~· -· .beleeve