Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

1itl-hcld theTruth in unrighteoufne e. worke, and put upon his own reckoning.And there- fore in regard he may abufc them,they may doe him hurt. And thofe that have much of there Truthes, but ufe them not, or that if they doe ufe fome of them, yet doe it for their owne ends, and not f reply for God's glory, are as abominable to God, as thofe that runne into the greateft outrages. Men that are more civil), are like Wolves tied up, others are like Wolves at liberty; It is true, other men doe more mifchiefe,.that is, they commit more finfull adions, and confequently run into more guilt, and their con_ demna;ion (hall be greater; but thofe that are tyed up, that by civility have their Lulls reftrained, are no leffe abominable in G o D's fight thanothers : a Wolfe tyed up is as hatefull to a fheepe, as one that is at large; and fo it is with there men, for it is the condition of the bell men, before Regeneration, to with-hold the Truth in unrighteoufne /Je. Now in this point wee will handle three things: Firfi, what this truth is. Secondly, how it is with- holden. Thirdly, the greatneffe of the fan of with- holding the truth, &c. For the firft, what this Truth is, you mufi know there is a two.fòld kinde of Truth. Firfl,a natural Truth written in the hearts of men, to whom the Scripture was never revealed. Secondly,a common Truth, or common know- ledge, fuch as they have that live in the Church, but are not fandified. Thirdly, a fpirituall knowledge, which fandifies the heart of them in whom it is the two firft where- of, naturali knowledge and common knowledge,na- I 3 turall I17 SER. V. Difference be- tweene civili and prophane men, z. What ibis Truth is. A threefold Truth. a 2 3