Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

vfé3. .Doe nothing contrary to the rtttth. The Law of mans judgement heed thou doe not neglect it, do not abufe it not the grace of God in vaine, but fee thou ufe this light; When the great promife of Chrifi his comming was made, what was it but this, that they fhould have a new lighr,that the people that fate in darkneffe and in tht fhadow of death,fhould fee a light they never law before e you that live in this light, that enjoy that which was fo many yeares agoe promiled to the Gentiles, and is now fulfilled ; take heed of abufing it, ufe it to the purpofe for which it is given, that is, to guide your feet into the way of peace. Againe, thirdly, to joyne that with it: As you muff bee thankefull, fo in the third place, you muff take heed of doing any thing contrary to this Truth, it is a very dangerous thing to negleâ ir. There is not a { parke of ir, nota bearne of this light,which is conveyed to you by the miniftery of the Gofpell, which (hall be in vaine. Though you doe not prize it, it (hall fet you a fleppe nearer heaven or hell, even every fparke and beanie of this; and this is it which may make men afraid, and looks about them, feting that when this light is made knowne, it is fo dange- rous to ncgleet it : Therefore thinke this, when God hath fent a right Miniftery, Confider who bath Pent this light. God bath done rr,and will God fend a vaine mcfThge e A wife man will not doe fo; if then God fend it not in vaine, it is to fome purpofe, to doe ei- ther good or hurt; Now fuppole that this light have done y ou no good, that you have lived long under this light, but have attained no good, you have knowne much, but pra&ifed little, then know this fhail exceedingly encreafe your condemnation. P h