Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

Humiliation before Iu.ification. 2i their hearts, which may there lye glowing for a time, but they lall nor, they foe our in the end. And this is the condition of moll men, therefore they make many proffers, as if they would be Paved, and come to C x it r s nand this they take for Humilia. tion. But this is not the Humiliation that is requi- red. When God means to fave a man, He will goe thorow with the wotke, and never give over till lice hath brought him home,caufing forrow toabide on his heart. As it is .hr's office to give repentance to men,and remiffion of fins; fo it is His office,Luke 1.79. Topside mess feet into the way of Peace; Now when He will fave a man;He will Let it on fo,that his heart (hall never be quiet till his feet be guided to the way of peace. Others may have-much Humiliation at time ofa Sacrament,or under fome great fickneffe or croffe, or in a good mood, or for apprehenfion of fome lodgement and wrath to come, but it is like a flafh of lightning that quickly vanifhes; but when Chr4 will humble a man, He fees a Pillar of fire be- fore him,that leads him along from time to time,till he be brought home to Cbrit . A .final! thing,when God bath the fettingof it on, fhail wotke, and never give over wòrking,till our heartsbe qualified aright, till we beleeve inr Chrif, and embrace the Gofpell. And filch an Humiliation you mutt have, clfe it is nothing : If it be a right Humiliation, <I fay, it will bring you home; for you muffknow this is the con - dition:of every man, they caììtiorabide the net, no man will conic in if he can chute. Now the G Oíípel is a net that catches men,and as itrthe taking of fifhes, ifthcy will take the fifh, they beat the fides of the C 3 River Luke x. True Humi- liation brings home to ChrilL Gofpell a net. Simile.