Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

all unr %hteoufne/Je and ungadline. now be made worfe than him felfe, even as the beaft that perifheth. Confider this corruption, and know it is a thing that makes you loathfome in God's fight. For this, Tit. i.ult. Men are called Abominable : that Tit. I. ult. is, men that God abhors,as you abhorre the fnuffe of a candle, or name any filthy thing your nature ab- hors; fuch is the nature of men to God. You know how we hate Toads atad Serpents for their lothfome poifonfull nature, though they doe us no hurt. Now God lookes on the corruption of our nature, as wee looke on Toads that are contrary to us,againft which we have an Arntipathie. It is difputed by the Schoole-men, whether this Origirall fin, be unum pecc awn , one fin or moe, we may eafily an- how it is ore fwer it : It is one in adt, one in effence, but many in En and many. verme, and power, and efficacie. As a feed is one in- dividuall,but it is many, as many branches may a rife from it: AsdrunkennefI ,(which wil better expect% it) is but one fault, but it diforders the whole man, neither the head, nor the feete, nor the reafon is ex- cluded : So originall fin, though it be but one fin,yet it diflempers the whole man, it fers the whole foule out of order. And when the Inftrument, the heart, is out of tune, every found, every a &ion is unfa- voury, and finfull, and thus fhould you looke upon I your laves. It is further difputed,whether this be privative or Originall fn, pofitive, likewife I anfwer, It is only privative, it is how Privative nothing but a meere want of righteoufnef e : But fee - ing it fats upon an active fubjeet, as the foule of man is, which is never idle, but ever firring; thence ityy' comes, that the habits and fruits thereof are alive 'A D 4 and 39 .-------- SERM. Il.