Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

44 7$ The DortrineofMortífrc4tion; 3 Thethirdmeanes,if youwould get heavenlymin; j' iudgetr:en r dednefle, is this, thou muff labour to get thy judge rightly infor- ment rightly mformed, efpecially concerning earthly tried concßr- singearthly things : The reafon wherefore menare fo befotted things. with theworld, is, becaufe they doe notconceiveof the things in the world fo as indeed they are, they thinkebetter of them then they deferve, and looks Ecclefa.a4. for that fromthem which they cannot afford them: thereforeheare what thePreacher faithofthem; saa ¡ownfaith, that they are vanitieandvexation offparit yea, hecals all vanity : and inanotherplace he com- pares them to things that are moftvariable, andmolt uncertaine,as tografli that withereth,toa fhadow that is fuddenly gone ; this is the efreeme that the Wife_ man hadofearthly things. And therebywe may fee, that they arenot truly good, becaufe theyare uncer_ taine things, andpromife that which they cannotper- forme unto us ; for at the heft they are but things wherein,as throughacrevice wehave a fmall glimpfe ofthetrue good ; yet they themfelves are not over- good, becaufe they are not the caufe whereby the chiefe Good is produced; neither are wee able to keepe them, -for at fuchor fuck a din- they will bee gone ; fo that theyare neither true good, nor our good : and therefore this Mould weave us and oür hearts from them. But let us ftrive to fet ouraffeiti- ons on things thatare durablegood, and fubfiantiall good, which will notdeceiveus ; andwill promife usnothing but that whichit will performe farrebe- yond our deferts : therefore labour for a right infor. med judgement. 4 Thefourthmeanes ifyouwould get heavenlymini dedneffe,