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THIS BOOK BELONGS I TO THE II I 11 C. X, COLLEGE LIBRARY, ii JELA_ _ <r; No. 49,n____=ftenteesese.motoalse,swwkwmmo.----e-Trcsesta4

slxs re, rHow. nR, AGODLYANDLEAk NED TREt1TISE D F cx°ti. cat_ioni Whereinitexcellentlybandied ; Firít, the generali DJetrine of 1V1 o TIFICATION: (TORN I CATION. VNCLEANNES. 44 then pdrticularly, bow Evill CoNCVPIS to Morte Inordinate AFFECTION. and, ICOVETOVS NES ag...,sartq...... All being'thefiibflance offeverall Sermonsúporii CoLos. III. V. Molt* thereforeyour members,c. Delivered by that lateiaithfull Preacher ,andworthy infirument of Gods glory IOF-IN PReSTODZ, Dr, inDivinity, Chaplaine in Ordinary to his Majel}ie, 1vt afterco $manuei Colledge in'Cambyidge,and fomecimes Preacher ®f Limo/Ns-we, t-4-TiwaqralaVcfin_ Prorabl atiir', LONDON:. Printedby 1'.Beale, for eiedren, eroo{e, at thebtaCkeTeaxt _ inTaala Gburcbyárd. i 6 3 lo

ñi .4,10,6, gilt The Contents, Fir*, In the Treatif'eofMortification. DOCRINE L Heheight of glory, whichwe expet by Chril#, !head carafe every mintymortis eftine. page3 DOC T. I I. Theframe ofour hearts ought to pitwith thofe conditions that we receive by our,unionwithChris. p. 4. Explication. Mortification is a turningoftheheart fromfine to grace, ibid. Mortification called a . turning of the heart, beaufethe heart 6y nature is backward and averfe fromGod, par° Sinnefeemingly mortified ; When theocca,ron is removed. P. 7 a". When it not violent and r.aging,but quiet. ibid. 3. When itis but rernovved from one finne to another. ibid. .. When the Confcierace is affrighted with the judge- ments

The Contents. pontsof God. P:8. 5 When thefirength ofnature is['pest, ibid. 6. Being reflrainedfron finnebyygoodeducation, p. USE I. Tiexamine by theft rulesfinnes Mortification, ibid. Morgedlufls knomne, t. By a deepe humiliationofthefoule, p. to 2 . By the generalityofit, ibid. 3. By the meafure ofgrace, anfwering the meapreof corruption, p. t t 4. By the continuanceo f thern, p. 1z Motives to Mortification : t. There isnopleafure infaune, p. 13 Blcafnre inTanne is notruefolidpleafrure,but clack pleafiare, P. 14. 2. Thefatisfyingoflull is an endlefre warke, ibid. 3. Thegreat dangerof f nue, p. 15 st. Thedeceit ofinne, p. 16 Sinne deceives loure wayes: 1. Byblinding theunderffanding, ibid. 2. By making large promifes, p, t7 3. Bypromi fngdepartareatourpleafire, ibid. 4. By rnakiuga fhervoffriendfinp, ibid. 5. The rebellion it occafïonsìn ass ite-ainil God, p. t g 6. Theflavery at brings asunto Satan, ibid. USE IT. Toinfruc1us that inevery regenerate mari there isa free. willto doe good, P. 19 The power olaRegenerate man confi(is I. In performing any duty God comtrran?ds, according tm die

The Contents: theproportionofgrace be bathreceived, p. 20 2. Itnrefiflinnany temptation accordingto:the famemea- fnreofgrace, P. 21 OBJECT. To the Regenerate, the f1e0h luiteth againil the (pirit,e c. ANSW. Y 7 ® r C ( bid. _ . Corruption teignes not, tough it may takepolef?ion in the heart of:a Regenerate man ; it exceeds not the mealyre ofgracv, ibid: USE III. To exhort AY,s to abftainefrom thefiniteofthe kar-t,a f inellas finite in theoiftmardarions, p. 22 OBJECT. Men(hall belodgedby their ,vorkes, not the thoughts their hearts, ibidof . ANSW. hod willjudge the thoughts of'the heart, as the eaf ; the gons, orrvorkes, asthefecJs. p. 23 USE IV. To teachus that noman isfoholy, but he needs mortificati- on. ibid. 'Themeans bow te comelyMortification, are i. Outward. 1. moderation in laroftillthings, P. 2g The dangerof exce(e in lrmv full things, ibid. 2. andPromi fes, p 29 The lawfalneffe ofvowes, and hors they are tobe e- frondof, ibid. 3. The avoydingofallo2cafontofinite, if OB ECT. J

The Contents, OBJECT. 11,0ft:fan being'Irons inpttb, neednot avoydocertlio*of fisne. , . p. 3z ANS W. .0pinionof ftrengthin faith is dweakneFe inmen, fèr' the morefeare,themorefirength 3 befides ,habitffallgrace le but aereatare5an4therefbrenot to he relyedon. ibid. 4. The lamp!' exereffè of .Failing and Prayer. ibid. I I. Inward: 1. Toget a tvillifog heart, P.24 2. To tak, bxvigyfibow. it, p. zs Twoerrorsabout Mortificat4;on ..- ,t. That allfinnes haveahkeproportionof taboo tomar-. tfre them. p. 26 2. That MortifiC4604 iSMt 4011tintiatiVrke p: 27 ThefiWitieg4aMS of/it/11)44s inaffiamgtheir'hohe 3. The af.4Fianceoft&spirit.' P) .34 ibid. 310 :2s to obtaine theSpritaare ' ' - -, 1. TO knowthe Sp rii.;` - .- p. 33 2, Not torefii ,erreve,or quenchhim. ibid. refit?, rend, What it is to e.rieve, heSpirit.. p. 34,35 3. Toufeprayer, . P. 35 4. To walke inthe spirit. p. 36 5. Togeta livelyfilth, p. 37 leifitngfa,thonelyprigeth theheart, p. 38 Theholy Gholl not e(entially but hya. divine power dwelleth in theheart. ibid. That Mortification gobbefore ltifiify' insFaith, ibis IgnaszsamminsamIIIIII

The ContentsP\ anerror, P. 39 6 . Togetfpirituall loy. ibid. 7. Toget anhornblende ofminde, p.4i D©CT R: I II '7hat allearthly members are tobemortified, p 4z Membersare o n Al, exorbitant affections of the f ule, p. 43. for thefe rea/óns ; becarsfe I. They Pup theheart, ibid. 2. They proceedfrom the unregeneratepart, p. 44 3. Theyare weapons ofunrighteoufneffe, ibid. 4. They aredeare unto the heart, as any member to thebody, ibid. inordinate lull meant by earthlymembers, p 45 What it is to be earthly minded, ibid. By thepowerof nature a man may conceive of fihituall thingsandyet be earthly minded: z. Not fpiritually, ibid. 2. Notfrom anheart illightned by the Spirit, p. 46 3. Bytheknowledge ofhis underflanding, ibid. mur maycome to know `pirituallthings, andnot be re- hewed x. By vein a vertâe in heavenly5things excelling all 1 f g. All other things, . ibid. 2.0. By beingof noblefptrity -a ibid. 3. Byfèeing h©line in thechildren ofGod, p. 47 4. Byfëeing the attributes ofG0:44. ibid. 5, Bpfeeling the f fveetneffiofthe ro.i f s, ibid. 6. By beleeving.the refùrreelion toli1ea ibid. 'Theorderofthe faculties ofChePule, P. 4g Whether Naturecan stsaine unto true knowledge, ibid. ..4naturall manmayknow f irltuallin their fubßance,. NO asa ruleofhis life, A 49 ea Wen':

'The Contents; Heavenlysnisdednef is the trorkeo fanew life ina /1to}wn; Heavenly mindedne(e admits tncreafe in knowledge, P. 5a The Pnderflanding the feat ofheavenly mindedncfe, P53 Anerslightne,' une erftanding communicates its to the nil ofthe faculties ; Y . By takingaway the letsuntogood, p. 54 2. By witbflandingtlemotions ofinordinatepfiions, ibid., 3. By layingopen the vilene eofinordinate affeelions, ibid. 4. By rulingandguiding them, p 55 VS E I. To reprovefilch asfavour earthly mindednefré, or inox; dinateaffec`lions, ibid: lteafnsagainfl earthly mindedneffi, are I. In refpea ofmen ; I. It takes away theexcellency ofthecreature, p. 56 2. it wounds the foule, p. 57 I I. InrefpeaofGod lifts isupfpirituall Idelatfy in theheart, P. 58 III. Inrefned of Profellbrs It is unbefeming them, and makes them like Swine, P.59 Great difference betsreene thebackflidingof theSaints and o f the wicked, p. 6o Backfliding in theSaints is caufid, z. By hollow ha rtedreefi. 2. By evilexample 'final. 3. By remouallfront under apon'erfulminiflery.p.61 41

The Contents;;. 4 threefoldcaveat to theSaints. p. 62 Divers obid-lions ofearthlymindednefe ofwered : OBIECT. I. .Earthly things areprefent. A. N S W. Heavenly things preí 'ent, 4Jioy in the holy Ghofl,&c. are to bepreferredbeforeearthly things. p. 63 D f rencebetweene natureandfenfe, p. 64 OBIECT.2. Earthly things arefenftblyfelt. ANS W. thienare deceived;for thegreater the faculty, the grea- ter the /enfe. p. 65 i threefolddifference between the fuperionr and inferi.. ourfaculties. ibid. OBIECT.3. Earthly thingsmake as tobe well thought of. ANSW. Agoodopinionmuff not beregarded in any thing thatfoal occa/lonlinne. p. 66 A remedy againfl opinion, is a found knowledge in the word ofGod. p. 67 OB1ECT. 4. Earthly things rcerne of great worth vetous. ANSVV. They will not doe fa, if compared to fpirituall things.' p. 69 itllmens comforts f and iu Gods face. p. 7o VSE II. To exhort men to leave their earthlymindedneOe. p.71 c?ifotives tomort f e our earthly members e Y . Thedevill enfnares us by them. ibid. 2. They

/The Contents: S. They binde us All fromGod to the devil'. p.72 IWeanes to obtamne the loathingof earthly things; Sound humiliation, p.73 Threef.legrounds thereof, ibid. 2. The royalty of f irituall things; P. 74 3. A conflaut anddiligent watchover theheart,p.7ÿ Meanes toget heavenlymindednef I. Faith, p.76 Atwofoldfnareoftbe world, tbfd. 2. Humility, p. 77 3. A hid:mein rightly informed, P.78 4, Afigtift into the Allfuf ficiency o fGod, P. 79 5. A remembrancefrom whencewe arefallen, tbid A conparifonbetweene a f irirituall anda bodily Confitmption, p.80, Motives toheavenly mindedneffe; z . Heavenly things theheftobieöl, p. 8 i 2. 2\ fweetneffe in earthly things, p.83; fir two reafons : i Becaufe they are mutable, bid 2 Becau f e theyeither belong toperfins Ens thatare z Good, belonging toGod; andthereforecan not content them,becaufi theydraw theiraf- fet/ion,fromGod, P.84 2. Wicked, unto whom they arenotfantiled, 3. No f lvationby earthly tbin's, p .86 Godwill have all the l ule,or wne. p. 87 ChriJis two marker ofa cbriflian, P. 88 4. Heavenly things are thebetterpart : proved, ib. I By Scripture, jbide ,rt feurefold differencebetweene earthlyand venly

The Côrireritd` iïenly things, ibid 2. By Reafn, p, 91, 5. millthings areat Gods d fpofing; P. 92 -Marks to knew whether wee have loft our earthly mindednefïe. 1. By the moderation of our careand delight inearthly things, P. 94 Signeso f theexceeofour delight in them, are a. our immoderate del/reofgetting&keeping thern,ib 2. our exceffe inourpleafieres andrecreations, 13.95 Recreation when lawful/. p. 96 z. By theelleeme wehaveofheavenly things, ibid. 3. By our Spirittaall tale, whether we cell,fh heavenly or earthly things heft : as theWordPreached, p. 93 Eloquence noornament to the Wordpreached, p: 99 Theword fhorildnot bemixedwith it, p. zoc HowLearningand4írts are neceff"ary totiePreachiiäl of the Word, p. rox ',Minters (houldnot endevottr topteafe thepeoplenitl Elope:Ice, p. roe 4. By our,udgement ofheavenly things, p. 103 Spiritualknowledgewrought by thefpirit,abletojudge of 1. Perfons, p. 104 2. Th.'ngs, p. r os Spirituali renovation is difcovered I By the Affections, p. to6 2 By the Speeches, p. 107 3 By the Ad;ons, p. 109 5. By orbrooking thewordof reproofe, r i o' Ufe. 7oexhort j ìrittcalln$inded men to grow more and more therein, i z i The leaf)fines tobe avoyded, P ibid Secret

The Contentsc 'Secretfinites are tobe lookedinto, p. IIz ,®tives tagrow inheaaeenly mindsdneffe,ar2 I. Hereby weare able to doeeverygoodworke, ibid. 2. Hereby God is honoured, P. 113 3. Hereby >re mayprevaile withGodinprayer, p:Ii+ `.lfewfa,ahfullprqers may doe muchgood, ibid. it Of FOR NICATIGN. DOCTRINE r. LL íncleanney'e isathing Godwouldhave mortified, andquitedeflroyedout of the hearts that hee would dwell in, pag. 116 DOCTR. z. arnication is afannethat mußbe mortified, p. t 13 The haynoufneffeofthis finofFornication appeares; L hothefinfidnef e opt: For, z. Itl contrary to Gods Spirit, p. z 19 2. It makes a¡trangeneffebetwixt Godandus, ibid 3. rt. isapunfhment of otherpanes, p. a2ß 4. It layes wale theConfcience, p. 121 5. It delights thebody more thanany otherfirs, ibid I. In thepunifhment ofit : For, 1. Godhimfelfe takes the punifbment of it into his ovine hind, p. r 2 2) Godrefervesflthyperforasfor anheazy judgement ibid.. -. TT. ¡n the danger ofit, p.123 I V. In the deceitfulneffèofit, p. izy The deceitsof the divel,wherebyhe enticethus tothisfn,are tIipe ofRepentgce, ibis , lf<trconfiderations agamA

The Cori;èïs: that deceit, . Pre fnt impunity, Confederations again it; 3, Prefentfwcetneffezn fnneä Confiderateons agaínfi it, . í2,6,r27 p. 129 p. 130 p.13ä p. 13z 4. The falfeneffe ofcommon opinionandiarnallreifen; 5. Hopeof fecrecie, 13 . Confderations ,;gainfl it, P P 13; USE T. 3S: To exhort dmen to cleanfethemflvesfr thisf.-ilthine; USE a. p'137 á operfrvadeallmen tomortifie the inwardcorrtrptien,afivell as toabïlainefrom the outward aélion, p, 14.0 Tryals whetherthis lull bernortificd: t, 41vniverfillchange, P. 141 a. An hate an loathing to thisfirne 3. Aconfiantkeepingour felvesfrom the cling o f this finne, P. 14 Moines againfl Fornication : a. For filch as have beeneaddie/edto thisfin ; Let the 1. Get an humble heart, p 144. 2. Labour tobrie theirhearts to love God, who oath forgivengreat alinne, 3. Beware left Satan beguile them. 2. For thole thatJu lllive it thisfine Let them I Labour toget aaranceofpardon. 2 Fndevoísr to have arenfe and fclingoftheirfinite; p. 3 Lay holdon the,andapply them. 146 rfe abfltnence ac, dfalling, p. t47

The Contents'. Refolveagainfi it, 143 6. Proportion the remedy to thedireaP; p.14.9 7. Turne their delights to Godandheavenly things 3. LA' ccujtome themfelves to frequent prayer. P.15° Of VNCL E ANNE Ss DOCTR. 1. VNcleanneffi is one of the flunes tf,at arehere to 14 morti[ied, P.153 The haynoutneffeof thefin ofu,ncleanneffe,appears 1. Becaufeit makes the finner herein, a manofdeath _¡ e. Becaufeit is afinne again fi Nature. 3. Becaufeit is againft onesfelfe,asfelfe-murder: 4. Becaufe God makes it apuniflment °father flames; P. 154 The deceits of Satan todrawmen into this fin, are 1. Hope ofafter-repentance. What repentance is, P. 15, 2. Thedeferring: ofpitnihment. 3. The common opinionof this Pose; p.156 4. hepr,vatenejle andficrecie thereof. 5. Theprefint delight they finde in it, P. 157 OfEvil CONCVPISCENCE: DOCT. L End Conctapifience ts a jin,c to bee foortOeel,: pag.187 Rearons

The Contents; Reafonsthereof,.are;. = It willbring forthaRuall Hanes, p , i 8 S 2. It defilesa manb hidingfanne inhis heart, ibid 3: Itmarres all lgoodactions, ibid 4. It makes Gods commandementsgrievousunto us, p. 18. Thenature ofevill concurpencewhat, p. 190 Thefinfielneffe of Concupi fcenee, ibid. couceiving fanne, no Theoperationofevil'Concupifcence in briin erto 19i ,Evill Concupi(cencel Açt a716}to be mortified, p,193 finne is to be abflaynedfrom, becaufa God fo+ds it; i% 195 Aas to i.V=ort4fic4xion, are f rious meditation uponmens caurfis, ibid 2. A f uplorefstngand .keepingdormoflufl, p.196 3. 41 rccÇíifyingof the iudgement, p.197 V s )J I. T'ogetfreefrorn thisfinne, p. 198 The rvrathof God onthe creature works terror in the con- feiençe, ib'ido ThreeAgnesofmortifying this /lane ; r. Ageneratlreformatiirn inheart and life, 2o©: 2. Aright lodgement ofin,anda true loathing there_ of, p.2oI 3. flltua!labftinencefromfanne, p. a®z. Q,VEST. YYhethet man aftertrue Mortificationmay fall into ths fameftnne againe, ibids ANSW. eay.fallinto the aïl,but not the leve ofthatfin, ibid. a 3 1Vieanes

The Coitehfs: Meanes to the mortification of this finne-, are I. A labourfor an affitrance ofpardon favour finnes; p.203 Abflinence from all occafioneffinne, p. 3. A delight in graceandWimp, p. 206 4. Fervent and heartyprayer, p. 207 Of inordinate AFFECTION 'DO CTR r. ALL immoderate41lions muftbe mqrafed,p.2ri What Affedionsare, p. 213 The ,Ippetite double, lieseatiaV F 213 Naturall, Threearts ofviffecrikins, Carnall, p. 214 Spiritual!, ..4fenionswhen inordinate, p. zi6 Triais ofthe inordinacy of Age& ions, are t. Toexamine themby the rule ;theRules are I. The obieUmull begood, p. 217 2. Theendright. 3. The meafore right. 4. Theorder andfiafonfitting. 2. Toexamine them by the elfells 3 The e ec7s are 1. Thedillurbanceandht,. dramf ofreafin, p.718 2. An indr#ofition to holy dui ics, p. 219 3. Theproduaionofevtil da/MS. 4. TheIrawsnrsfrom ood, F. 220 ;That it is to mortific affiliions iflordiaate, ibid. Rcafons

The Contents: Keatons why they arc tobe mortified , are I. They are of 'greatefi ef_ ficacie and command in the foule, p. 2 2 z 2. They make us eithergoad or évill. 3. `They lmake rvayforSatan to takepu ff ion of the p. 222. 4. ?key are thefirfl movers toevill, p. z,23 VSEz To exhort us to takepains in themortification oftheft in ordinateafeaions, p.. 224 Meanes to mortifie them, are z. Knowledge ofthe difeaf, p: 225; Two tvayes to difcerne inordinate lufis; z By bringing there to the TouchBone,p. 226 2 B1 confiBering theflopsofthem. . Thejudgement of others concerningthem, p. 227 Thecaufesofinordinate afie Lion, are 1. fapprehenfion, p. Remediesagain( mif-apprehenfion. TogetJlrang reáfops out oftheScripture, p.229 2. Toget a livelyfaith, P. 230 3. Experience ofthenaughtineféofthem 4. Exampleofothers. 2. Weakenege and impotency, P. 231 Remedy again that,is togatherJIrength. 3. Lightnefê ofthe minde, p. 233 Remedy; to finde out theright obi&,wiiich is God. 4. ConAfion that rifeth in the heart at f rfi riling of them, Remedy, timelyprevention,. . Corruptionof nature. Remedy, toget anal; nature. P.234- p.- 235 p36.' &Wang-

The Contents: 7. ouefinne caufe androot o f another, Rerwedy,topulluptheroot. God the onelyagent ofMortification. USE2. To reprove to for f nfitll affecions. Motives toconquer inordinateaffelions . Theyare the root ofall evill, p. '240 2. They mound thefouie, p. 24 t 3. They breedfóolilb andhurtfulllulls, p 24.3 4. Theyhinder thedoingofgoodadions, 5. Theybring fhameanddipour, p.. 244. 6. Theyblink thereaforaandjudgement, p. 245 OfCOVEToVSNES. OVetoufneffewhat, p I. 25 YYhy it as called Idolatry. DOCTR. r. Tofeeke.helpe andcomfortfrom riches or any other creator4 . andnotfromGod alone,1svaine andfinfidl, p. z DOCTR. 2. ThatCevetou fnef, which is Idolatry, is to bee mortified, p. 2.25 Reafans thatGodonely canbe comfort untow, and not the creature, are r. Codis Allf i ffrcient, PO' 2. 2h2creature isemptyandvaine, p. 6 3. Wecoamy1t the (inneof idolatry ingiving that to the creaturewhich is duet.) Goa. USE z. Toexhoqmen toabjatzifró lu flipafterworldlythinss,p.7 God

The Contents: codctngivecomfort withoutriches, p. 8 Thecreature without the-Creator is 45 the huskewithout the kernel/. P. 9 r f derations todi frvade from trufling in tTe creature : is The creatureofitfelfe bathnopower to comfort,p.rc z. The creature reaches not to the inwardman, p. 1r 3.4multitudeofcreatures irlr Jtgoe to thecomfort (form man, p. rz 4.. The comfort of the creature is but dependantfelicity, Ohatfoever men leave their children without Gods bring is nothing worth, p.13 . Thedeceits whereby men are kindredfrommortEying this f sine, are I. They thinke themGods bletings, p. 14. ,.Llefsings confidered without thankefull reference to God, ceafe to beblefsings. We receive the creatures asblefsings. i.When wedependonGodfor thedfpofg,continuing andwant of them. 2. When wee tb nke the fame things maybee without comfort unto ss, P. I 5 3. Whenwe thinke we may have comfort without therm p. 16 . Theysapprehendprevent comfort from the abounding of them, p. i7 We may notjudge ofoutwardthings by fenreandfee ling,but by flitb, anda re[1fledreafon. d To heipeonrjudgement therein ; Confider, I . They arebrit vanity of vanities, p. r8 z. What other men,that have hina f fltaed,thinkofthé 3. What yourfelvesw.ljudgeofthé a thedaysfdrit`h t 4iFflut .;; a

The Contentsc 4. Whatyou f hallfinde them fir the time to cow a refrefhingofthe heart by he Senféofcornfirt double, Creature : proceeding,from an appprehenfien ofGods fauor in thofe bit-flings. Joy in the creature may bea I. Remi/éipy, as ifcve ioyednot, P 2. Loofe ioy,thet may be call off. 3.. Dependant lay,eyingthefowrntaine, p. 20 3 They reafonfalfeely. . ,Riches come not abvayes by labournorcomfort by riches, p. 20, For I. God maketha difroportion betwixt the manand theblefsing, p. 2 2, Gaihinders the effe£is,though thecaws eonnurre. 3. Gad denìethfuccefe to the cailles, p. 22 4 Theyfee thefe thingsprefeent andcertain,other things donbtfulland ir,certain, Earthly thingsfubie i to c4ange, butfpirituall things ton: changeable. Signs to knowwhether our lave to the creature be right or no : Confider, E.' Whether our affection to the creature drawer our heartsfromGod, 2. When earthly and f irituall things come in comps titiora, which we makechayce of. ;3. What ourobedience ìs to God. 4, What things trouble us moll, Ourafec77ion to richesfaidtobe inordinate,p,2 6.pivben we f eke them ; I. By meajemore then we (hould, ; By wanes thatthefhvnld net z7 3. For

the Contents. For rorong ends, p.2 8 4.idoa wrong manner ; which confifls in thefe attars : whenwe f eke.them, z Out of love to them, 2 To truft to them. 3 Tobeprifedupby them, P.29 4 Toglory in them. 5 With too much hafte andeagerne. In the defireofriches there is adouble context, p. 3o . Acontentedne11e,with a dependanceon Gods will. z. A contentedne(fe with afibmijsion toGods will. How farre aman maydefire wealth, P. 3 Y threefelà necefsity ofthe creatures. x. ofexpedience. 2. o f condition andplace, P.3 2 3. of refrefl3ment. defireof riches forfispofluity and excelp,(Willi ; for thefe reefins 1. Mans lifefands not in abundanceofexce. 2. itproceeds from anevill root, P. 33 3. ft,n iynot be prayedfor. 4. It is dangerous,for it chokes theWord, p. 34 5. We ha reeanexpref e Commnndement againft it. Theendof a mans callingis not to gather riches, but to ferve God, P. 35, Riches ,the wages, not endofour calling. Rules to direa our care in gettingwealth, P. 3.7 I Nogoing into other mens callings, 2 The endmuff not be riches, but Gods glory. 3 The care muß not be inordinate. Sipes ofinordinate care,are . Trouble in theacquiring, p.38 Feare

The Coittenfs: 2. F&Ireofnot attaining 3. Griefein beingprevented. man is then covetous tvhen he fir/yes not againfl Cove-, tortfiled'e. Covetortfileffe fpiritualladmitery; p.39 . dsgravateditv that . ft makes men ricked. 2. itdoes leaft good. 3. Richesarebatfitlfè treafitre. 4. They are notour onme. '4triketesgiventoriches, are I- Theyare many things. 2. They are tooneceirary. 3. Theywill be takenfrom tts j.. Theyare not theby . USE r. exhort men tomorqe this earthlymember cevetomf Mffl, p. Meaties thereto, are, 1. Prayer toGod. 2. HumilityforAwe. 3. imployment of them to better things. T E

I rA0..4kAA;.6J6KAA g42i,:222225.P.Q22203 .°`.;,`,``,``'` THE DOC TR. I NE OF MnRT IF ICA'T'I®N. COLOSSIANS 3Se Mortjetherefore your members which areupon theearth; fornrcation,uncleanneffe, inordinate affection, evall con- c>upi fèence,andcovetoufne e,which is tdolatrre. 1000 0'0 0.0. e a o 0 01 I,is chapter containeth dîé ; versexhortations untohea- L verily nlindedneffe , by '; i' s y which the Apof{le labours ' o to diflivade the Colofïians rt 1 ,, from corruptible things, . unto things not corrupti- í ,- blc, but everlafling ; not earthly, but heavenly ; in the which the life of a Chriftiaan, and true holineffe flandeth. In the firft verfe he beginneswith an exhortation to feeke heavenly things á ifyouberifen,vith chrrfl, f eke £ thofc

2 The DoíirineofMortification: tunfe things that areabove : that is, ifyoube rifen with Chrifl, and deadunto the fafhions of men, then there is analteration and change inyo;r foules wrought, by whichyouarebrought to affeEt that whichis heaven- ly, and bafely to efteeme ofearthly things :therefore, ifyou berifen that is, ifthis heavenly life,and difpofi- lion, and change be in you, then let the fameappeare by your heavenlymindednefle; that is,by feeking of heavenly things. In the fecond verfe he joynes another exhortation gr ded-atrt e fiiríl, to beewife and to underftand them; Setyour ajfeTionson thingsabove : that is,let them be fpeciallymindedof you, let all your faculties bee filledwithaknowledgeof fpirituall things ; and this is fo joyned with the former, that there canbe no fee- kingwithout knowing ; for how cana man feekethat which he knowethnote and ifthouhaft noknowledge ofheaven, andheavenly things, howcanft thoudefire theme feeingwhere there is nodefire, there is no fee- king: And therefore ifthouwouldeft feekeheavenly things, as Chrift, and Grace,and Salvation,then know them firft. Afterwards in thethirdverfë he goeth on,andpref feth this exhortation with divers arguments ; firft, becaufeyouaredead : that is, feeing youare deadunto earthly things, therefore ftrive not now to beearthly minded. Secondly, Tour life ishidwithChrf! : that is, . your happinefi°e is not feenewith theeyeof the bodie by looking on thefe earthly things, but your happi® nefl'e and joy is by Faith beholding Chrift, therefore fet your heart andeye onhim,where your life is; that is, you loose for a perfeEtioz ofglory with Chrift, which

TheDo6rhzeofMortification. 3 which you cannot have byminding earthly things : therefore be heavenlyminded. In the fourth verfc the Apofileanfwereth untoade- mand for they might thus objeó, You tell usthat we íhall have a perfection ofglory, and that it is hid withChrift, but when fhall we have it ; that is, when fhallit bemade manifeft unto us Untothis the Apo fileanfwers, WhenChrifl, who in our life, 1'd apeare, then/hallwe afoappeare with him in rlorie. Andhereupon he groundethanother exhortation in thever¡e I have read :asifhe fhould fay,Seeing you expect fuch a per- fedionofglory to berevealeduntoyou at Chrifis fe- cond comming, then it hands yciuupon to let upon yourcorruptions, tokill, and to flaythem, thatfeeke todeprive you of that glory. Mortfe therefore, your earthlie members ; that is, flay every foule affection, in- ordinate defire of earthly things, rid yourhearts of them by flayingofthem ; and although it mayfeeme a hard worke, yet fightfä11, orelfe you fhall never at- tineunto thatlifeyou hopefor : So that the firft ge- nerall pointhence, is this : That theheight ofglorie,whichmeexpeal by Chrinbould PiJriae I. eau fe everieman to morti fiefinne. This the Apofilemakes thegroundofour Mortifi- cation ; Ifyou be rifenwith Chrift, feeke the things that are above, morf/jethereforeyour earthliemembers ; that is, except youflay finne, that hath flame Chrift, youcan. notget life withChrift : Surely then, Mortification is not asmen thinke it, aneedleffeworke which matters notmuchwhetherit befet uponor no,butthis is mens ficknetl'e ; for, as a man that is ficke thinkes Phyficke smile. is not needful], becaufe bee isnotfenfibleof his dif- Bz cafe,

TheDotárine ofMortification: eafe, when as thePhyficianknowes that it is amatter of necefli.y, and that except hee purge out that Cor- ruption andhumour ofthe body, it will grow incura- ble:even fo,except this corruption ofnature be purged out,it will grow incurable; that is,we cannot be faved therefore, we mortifie finne, is a worke ofnee ceffìty, whereupon flandeth every mans life and falm vation. The fecond thing which we note, is this : That the frame ofour hearts o-tght to fuit with thofe Doff, 2 Conditions that wee receive by our anion with Chrf. And this alfo theApoílle makes another groundof Mortification ; ifyoube rifen with Chrift, feeke hea- venly things, and therefòre labour to mortifie your inordinateaffeions; and finfull luflsthat fothe frame ofyourhearts, and difpofi:ion thereof, may fuit with heavenly things : as ifhe should fay,Youprofeffe your felves tobe rifenwith Chrift ; that is, that youare in a more excellent eflate than you were inby nature, and youexpect a perfehionofglory; then it muff needs follow, That the frame of your hearts muff fuit with your conditions; thatis, you muff bee fuchas you profeffe yourfelves tobe; and this cannot be, except you mortifie fìnne, all inordinate of eaions, all worldly lulls , all immoderate care for earthly things thinke not to get grace, falvation, and e- ternall life, except firff you flay your corruptions Mortientlon, and lulls ; for Mortification is a turninb ofthe heart evhatitIs. from evill togood, from finne to grace : or, it is a working a new difpofition in the heart, turning it quite contrary : Or elfe i may bee fai4 to bee the

The botlráne o(ihortíficution: 5 the flaying of that evill difpofitioa of _nature in us. Nowweemuff know, that howfoever Mortifica- tion is a deadly wound given unto finne, whereby it is difibled to beare any rule or commanding power in the heart of a regenerateman, yet we f ;y, Morti- fication is not perfect; that is,it doth not fo flay finne, that we have no finne at all in us, or that wee ceafe to finne; forin the mofi regenerate and holieft man that lives, there isfhll the fap offinne inhis heart : A tree Simile: may havewithered branches by reafonoffome dead- lywound givenunto the root, andyet there may re- maine force lip in theroot which will in timebring forth otherbranches : fo it is witha regenerateman, there mayadeadlywound be givenunto finne,which may caufe inordinateaffeElions towither, andyet not- withftanding force lap of finne may remaine, which hadneed kill tobe mortified, left otherwife it bring forthother branches.Mortification is not foraday on- ly, but it muff be acontinuall worke ; when thou limit flayne finne today, thou mutt flay it tomorrow, for finne is of a quickningnature, it will revive ifit benot deadly wounded,andthere is feed inevery finnewhich is ofa fpreading nature,and will frudifie much; there- fore when thou haft givena deadly wound-unto force fpeciall corruption, refi not there, butthen et upon the lc-ffer ; mortifie the branches of that corruption ; and fo much the rather, becaufe it will bee an cafie worketo overcome the Common fouldiers,and toput them to flight when theGenerall is flame. Weecall Mortification a turning of theheart; theMortification heart bynature is backward from God ; that is why a turning , it the beam __ __ minas

6 TheDeilrineofMortí#icatson, minds andaffects nothing but that which iscontrary - to God, it iswhollydifpofed toearthly things ; now Mortification alters and changes the heart, turning it from earthly to heavenly things 5 even as ariver that is ftopt in its ufuall courfe is now turned another way ; foMortification fops thepaffageoffinne in the foule, turning the faculties, theftreame of the foule, another way: thefoulewas earthly difpofed,themind, the will, and affetions were wholly carried after earthly things, but now there is a new difpofition wrought in the foule, the mindc and affetions are wholly fetupon earthly things ; before he was for the world how hee might fatisfie his lufts, but now his heart is for grace, justification, rernifïion of fnnes, and reconciliation. Here then, Peeing Mortification isaflayingoffirne, and thatmanydoe deceive them. feIves in thematterofMortification, whothinke that finne is mortifiedwhen it is nor ; andcontrariwife, o- thers thinkethey havenot mortified finne,thatis,they havenot given a deadly wound unto firne, becaufe they íä1l feele rebellious lulls intheir hearts; there- forefor thebetter explainingofthispoint ofMorti- gcation Iwill propound two Qçfiions : thef}r(t (hall be, for the difcoveringofhypocrites ; and the fecond (hall be, for thecomforting ofweake Chriftians. Qw fta The firft Qaeftionis, Whether (runemay not feeme tobeemortified when it is not mortified, but onely afleepe :' wpnfne To this ianfwer, That finne may feéme tobe nor feernes tobe tifiedwhen it is not, and that in thele particulars : niortited,and Firíi, finnemay feeme tobe mortified when the ()c- isnot. I cation is removed : As thecovetous nunmay not bee fo

7heDot7rineof Mortifacati"" 7 focoVetous after the world as he was, becaufehe hath not fogood an opportunity, and thereupon hee may growremiffe; andyet this finne of Covetoufneffe is not mortified s for let there be occafion, or an oppor- tunity offered, and you fhall finde this finneas quicke and :s lively in him as ever it was before ; and fo for Drunkennefe, or anyother vice in thiskinde : when theoccafion is removed, the finne may be removed, andyet not mortified. Secondly, finne maybe mortified feemingly,when it is notviolent, but quiet ; that is, when an unruly áffeaion troubles themnot,they thinke that now that finne is mortified , but theyaredeceived,for it is with finne, as with adifeafe ; Aman that is ficke ofa fea. ,Simileo' ver, fo long as he is afleepehe feeles no paine,becaufe fleepe takes awaythe fenceof it;but when he is awake, thenprefently bee feeles his paine afrefh : Even fo, when finnedothawake them out offleepe, then they (hall finde it was not mortified,but theyonelyafleepe. S4mpfon, Iradg. 16. fo long as hewas afleepe inhis fin, thought all was well, and that his firengthwas not gone ; but when bee awakesout of fleepe, his finne awakes, and then with much forrow hee fendes that his finne was not mortified,efpecially when he fell in- to his enemies hands. Thirdly, finne may feeme to bee mortifiedwhenit isbut removed from one finne unto another, when it 3 isremoved from a leffe to agreater, or from a greater to a leff°e. As for example, Aman maynot be fo co- vetousashee was, and thinkewith hirnfelfe that this his finne is mortified, when as indeed it is not mores tified, but only remmovedunto another ; for now it may

TheDstrineafMortification maybeheeds growneambitious, and feckes after h tour,and thereforeit Hands not now with his reputa- tion and credit to bee covetous : hereupon hee may growbountiful!, and nevertheleífe his film of cove- toufncffe be unmortified And fo for drunkenneffe, and filchas d fire pleafure, their rnindes anddelights may bechanged, and the finneof the foule be notyet mortified. Sinne is to the foule as difeafes are to the body : nowwe know, that difeafes ofthe bodyufuat ly remove fromone place to another, or at the leaft grow froma leffetoagreater : fo it is with finne in the foule, it will removefromonefaculty toanother. Fourthly, finnemay feeme tobe mortifiedwhenthe confcience is affrighted with the judgements ofGod, either prefent upon him, or threatned againa him : nowby the power of reftraining grace a manmaybe kept fromfinne ; that is,.hec may fobridle his affecti- ons, that he may keepe finne from theaction, he may forfake drunkenneffe, covetoufneffc, pride, and the like,andyet his finnebe notmortified : for here is the differencebetweene aman that bathhis finnemortifi- ed,and one thatbath not; The first is alwaycareful!, that his finnecome not to alion, hec is carefull and watchfull over his wayes andheart, as well when the J::dgement is removed, as when he feeles it : but the other hinders not finne longer thanthe handof God isupon him ; remove that, and then his care is re- moved. Fifthly, finne may feeme tobe removedandmor 5'- tifiedwhenthe fap and ftrength of firm is dead ; that Slnele, is, when the ftrengthofNature isfpcnt.As the Lampe goesout when oyle is either not fupplyed or taken a- way,

The DoExirine öfMortiffcdtini; 9 way, andyet theLampe is Rill a Lampe, for let oyle be fupplied, and fire put untoit, and it will burn ; fo there maybenot the action, and yet finne is not mor- tified in theheart ; for he isas wellaffe&ed to finne as ever hee was, onely the fap and ítrength ofnature is gone ; but if oylewere fupplied, that is, ifftrengthof naturewouldbut returne, faunwould be as quick and vigorous as ever it was. Sixthly, good Education, whena man isbrought up under goodparents, or mafters, he maybe fokept underthat finnemay feeme to bee mortified, but let thofebe once at theirowne ruling,then itwill appeare that finne isnot mortified in them ; that is, that they havenot lofttheir fwinifh difpoftion, onely they are kept from foulingofthemfelves : As a Swine fo long s; ;i,; as the is kept in a fairemeadow cannot foule her felfe, but ifyougive her liberty togoewhither fire lift,fhee will prefentlybewallowing in the mire ; even fo,thefe areafhamed todefile themfelves whileft theyare un- der good education ;but opportunity being offered,it willToone appeare finne is not mortified. The Ufeofthis,briefly,is for Examination unto We' very oneto enter intohis owne heart, and examine himfelfe by thefe rules whether his finnebemorti- fied, or no ; andaccordingly to judgeofhimfelfe. ThefecondQeftion isfor the comforting ofweake (1:44 Chriftians : Seeing there iscorruption in the heart, how(hall I know that the luftsand ítirringsof the heart proceed from awounded Corruption, or elfe is theAdionofan unmortified tuft an% taawo ttno o this I anfwer, You fhall know themby thefe 15 when W i) i rules : moFtifled C Pirít,

to TheDoarine. fMartifa`cation . Firff, you fhall knowwhether the theheart be mortified, and proceed froma woundedheart or no, by theground ofit ; that is,ifitproceed from the right root, or arifefrom a deepe humiliationwrought uponthe foule, either by the Law, or bythe judge- mentsof God,whereby the Confcience is awakened to f- -ke Thanein its owne nature ; and then a raifingup ofthe fouleby the apprehenfionof the loveof God inChrifl; and out ofa love unto God to beginne to mortifie frnne :iftheheart inthiscafedoe fight àgainff the fpirit, that is, the loftof the heart, it is b:caufeit bathreceived the deadlywound.:; but if it beenot out of loveunto God that thou mortified !lane, if thy heart, in thiscafe, have much rebellion in it, whatfo.: ever thou thinkeftofthy felfe, finne is notmortified- in thee : Every thing proceeds fromTome Caufe ; if the Caufe be good, the Effec mutt needsbe good likewife : as (forinffancc) if the tree be good, the fruitmutt be. good . ; but ifthetreebe evill, the fruit cannot begood :. Let every man therefore examine himfelfeupon this ground. Secondly, you (hall knowit by thegeneralityofit ForMortification is generalI ; and as death is unto the members of the body, fo is Mortification unto the membersof frnne: nowyou know that the nature of death is-to feize upon all themembers of thebody, it leaves life innone ; fo, where true Mortification is, it leaves life in no finne ; that is, it takes awaythe commanding power of finne :.For what is the life of: finne, but the powerof finne ? take away this power, and you take away this lìfea.Therefore itis not futfici- rat to axaortifie one fin,but you mutt znortifie all fins;. to ,.

that yon r hears which C z lent Ti to which purpofe the hod e bids them . vortife; whenhehad exhorted the generali ofmortification, thenhe fu particulars, as, Fornication, Unclea h hereafter, (God offting)youthall he you learne it will notbe fufficient for your cove- toufneffe, but youmuffle youvane glory : So alfowhen thou a in thy un- derftanding, thou muftm will, andaf- fcátions ; flayfinne firft i then flay it in thepartsofthybody ; your(elves whetheryoufinde thiswo Mortification to be generall. Thirdly,you fhallkn® luit bemor- tifiedby this ; Lookeifthere equality betweene the lifeofgrace, and the d ion ; thatis, ifyou findgrace in measure untothemea-, lure ofcorruptionwhich thee, it is a finne thyfine is mortified s adyingum' tofinne,fo therewill be a o holinefle ; feeing the new man will revive, when the old man beginsto dye row ftrong, whenCorruptiongrows therefore the Apoftie faith, Grow inGrace, rledge.ofour, Lordrefus art", 2 Pet. 3.1 uld fay, you Mall findby thiswhether ofnaturebe flamein you, ifyou f and verfe ) whichyoucannot doeunl ,except there bea proportion betwixt ace; and the deathofcorruption: Thereforeexamine rfelves by this, whether youdoe a are (pick- red ingrace, topray, ó is anexcl- TheDeEirine -efMorZìficatioi". y Apoftle her themunto bjoynes divers nnefle ofwhit are. Hence then you to leave ave your pide, haft flame lint ortifie it in thy nth; foule, and grid fó examine rke of tif wwhether your bean each ofcorrupt anfwerable is,xnortified in foras thereri quickening unt beginne to Gracewi11g sweake ; and aad in the kn 8. As ifhe tho the corruption fafl, (as in th former e% gracegrow the life of gr finde

t TheDeariveofMartifrcßtioni lent figne that time is mortified. Four.hly, you ih 11 knowwhether-your lulls are mortified by thecontinuanceof them : For if finne bemortified, and have received h deadly wound, itwill bye but for the prefenr, it will not continue ; it maywell rage and trouble thee fora time, bat it is onely now and then by fits, whereisanum: or ified luit ever rageth. It is with finne in this cafe, as it is witha man that hath received_ his deadly wound from his enemy, hee will not prefently flye away, but will ratherrunne more violently upon him that hath wounded him ; yet let him beenever fo vio' Pent,. in the middleof the a, ion heeMikes downe whenheethinkes todoethe moltharm; then hee is themolt unable, becaufe beehath receivedhis dead- ly wound,, whereby hee hath loft the tlrength and power of nature which orherwife mighr havepre.` wiled : fo it will beewith finne; and witha morti® Fled luí1, itmay rage in the heart, and feeme tobeare Twayandruleover thee as lord, but the power :ind' i$rength offinneis mortifiéd, and finks docwne, wan-' tingability toprevaile } andwhy t' becaufe itbath re-' eceived its deadly wound :. Indeed the molt hoaneff inn, and the molt fantified that is, mayhave luit ira his heart, and this lull may many timesfortheprefent beviolent ; yet though it rage, it cannot rule ; it may ftrive, but it cannotprevaile : therefore you may try your felves by this, whether thecorruptions and `ilir rings of your hearts proceed from amortified luít, orno. Now feeing Mortification is fo hard a worke, and yet aworke.that ofnecellitymutt bee done :. Men al- fo

The Marino f . lertí cot os4 13 fobe fo hardly drawne tomortifie their1uf(s, which theyaccount as a part ofthemfelves, not tobee parted - withall;for Nature her felfehath implanted thisprin- ciple inthern,Everymanought to love hìmfelfe,what then íhould move anyman tomortifiehis lufts: there- Five Motives N fore for thebetter perfwadingofmen unto this work, to orcífit cation, wewill lay downe force motives tomove everyman tomortifie his corruptions. r' The firft Motive to move all men to mortifie odes =vcâ_ finne, is, Becaufe there is tapleafire in finne : Sinne cannot content the foule ; for this is thenature of finne, the further a man goes on in finne, the fur- ther he goes on inforrow for ineverydegree offinne there is a degree of forrow : As on the contrary, unto every degree of Grace, there is a degree of. J: y; I fay, the more thou getteft of graceand ho- dineffe, of Faith and Rege7leration, the more peace of Co3fcience and fpirituall Joy thou gétrefl; for Grace as naturally produceth Joy, as finne for- row. Nov if men did but confider this, that is, if they had any fpirituall underftanding to know that degrees of time did bring degrees of for- row they'would not fo runneunto finne as they doe. Buttheywill objeu untomee, You are deceived, Oltici5k for there is pie::fure in finne : wee have found plea- fure in finne, and what will youperfwade us againft purknowledge e Have wee not reafon todiftinguifh betwixt things which wee know are of a contra- rynature e Will you perfwade men that honie is not fweet, who have tailed of it ? If you fhoulcd ràrxgathoufandarguments, they will not prevaile C 3 even

.Aire¡w#; 14 7'heD®llrtneofMortific4tíon; even fo we havefelt fweetneffe infinne,therefore we cannot beperfwaded to thecontrarie. To thisfanfwer, That thepleafure that is infìnnee (if there bee any pleafure) is no true folidpleafure, buta fickepleafure ; fuch apleafure as aman that is ficke ofa Feaver hark, apleafure todrinke ; not be- caufe hehath.a love to drinkeexceffively,butbecaufe it is pleating to his difeafe even fo, when men fìnde pleafureinfirne, it is not becaufe it is truepleafure, but becaufe it fuits with their difeale; that is, with their fame. Now that this is no true pleafure ap- peares,becaufe thatwhichgives truecontent unto the fouleis Grace,which everis accompaniedwith Faith inChrifl; and this works thatpeeice in theto le wb:ch Tfethallunder1tanding,W.I. 7. whereas fìnnemakes notpeace but warre in thefoule ; and where there is Warre in the foule, that is, where thefacultiesof the fouleare in a combuftion amongft themfelves, there canbenopleafure. A man that is ficke of adropfie mayhavepleafure todrinke,but his pleafure depends upon his difeafe ; if the difeafe were removed , the pleafarewouldceafe. r The fecond, Motive, is Aecaufewhen rne»goe aka to fit fie their b s,theygee about do endlcf wet'ke :NOW (Motive. men inoutward things would not fet therfelvesa- boutawork ifthey did butknowbefore that it would be endlefié; that is, that they could neverfinal] it ;; forevery one loves to goeabout things ofa finitena- ture,whichmaybeaccomplifhed : even fo, ifineli but know thenature of lime they would not give tbemfelvcstofatisfie their lulls, becaufe theyEon. a- boutaworke thatis endleife ; for thenature of fi me

4 .... a --t Theioar:ni 0 f " Mart :Pic tam, is like the Horfeleech which the Wife-man fpeakes of, prow.30,r5, that the moreit is given, the more it craves,bat is never fatisfied; fo,the more you feeke to fatisfie fanne, the more it defiras 5 like the fire, the moreyou call into it, the more it burnes : but ifyou will quench it,then detract from it ; fo, ifthou woul- deft have finne todye, _ then detract from thyplafure, from thy covetoufneffe, from thypride. Aman that is ficke ofa Feaver, ifyouwould not increafe his hear, . then keepe him from cold drinke, and other things that are contrary to it ; but ifyou doe fatisfie the dif cafe in thefe things, youdoe increafe it : fo, if you wouldnot goeabout an endleffe worke, give your tufts aperemptorydef God elet this therefore e doe, youwill difpleafe tomortifie their lufts. The thirdmotive tomove al men tomortifie fnte;is 3 becaufeof thegreat danger it brings4 man unto; itmakes c.maim'. a man lyable unto all the judgements of God, it takes Gods ipeciall protethon fromaman, it fills the heart fullofflavifh feare ; it likeaquagmirewhich 3Simile'. may feeme to be firme and folid,but being once in it- the moreyou firive toget out,the greater dangeryou arc in: Like abird that is taken with a gin, the more fhee feekes toefcape ,the fafter Thee is holden by it fó it is with fanne, it carryeth a fairePhew, it will pre- tend muchgood, but takeheedof falling into it, for if you beonce in it,it willbe a hardmatter toefcape. The Underftanding is thePorter ofthe foule- fo long as there is fpirituall life in the foule, the reif of the facultiesdoe partake of it, and fo the whole is prefer- .; now fanne blinds the _ underftanding, andwhen

i,6 MeMarineofmerti°`u4-tlöim the underílanding is mu-informed, it mif-inforiñes thewill andaffections ; that is, it breedsa diforder in thefoule : and when once there is adiforder in the foule, and amongthefaculties, then e meanes of gracebecomes unprofitable :.To this efed the Apo- illefaith, They became blinde in theirunderflana'ing, and then they fell unto noyfome lufis, giving them- .elvesunto acufiomary finning, they became blinde in theirunderflandings ; that is, it put outtheir eyes, it made them blinde as beetles ; and whena man is blinde, he willrunne upon anydauger,becauiehefees itnot : even fo, when finne hath put out the eye of .hc minde, the foule is in marvellous great dangerof fallingirrecoverably : therefore letthis move mento mortifiefinne, 4 The fourthMotive to move all mentomortifie é?G!otive. finne, is, BecaufePannewilt deceive mea : Now there is noman that would willingly becouzened, everymacs wouldbeplainlydealt wtthall ; thereforeif men did but know this, that iftheygave wayunto their luifs, theywouldbefoole them, furelymen would not bee fo eafily ledaway by them. But menwill not beleeve this, theycannot conceive how there fhould bee finch deceitin finne, feeing they are offo neere a conjuneti- on, as tobe apart ofthemfelves : and therefore I will How finne thew youhow finite doth coúzen them , and that in couzens. thefe particulars : Firs , it makes a man a Poole, by blinding the wr= x derflanding ; andwhen he is thus blinded, hee is led away to thecommittingof every finne : and therefore` it isPaid, I Pet.1. I4. Not f ii]hioning yoto. felves accord et, ding to theformer IV" ill yeti?' ignorance; thatis before you . %

The Dor rive of orti+ fcation youwere inlightned, your lustshad madeyou fooles by takingawayyour underílandings, andputting out the eie ofyour minds,but now fathion not your felvs, filarnot fin to blindyou againe,feeing younow fee. Secondly,itdothcouzen youby making largepro- ifes : ifthouwilt be awanton perfön, it will pro- rife thee much pleafure ; ifarnbitious,muchhonour; ifcovetous, much riches : nay, ifthouwiltbe fecure, careletfe,and rangeforfpirituall things,as grace,and juftification,and remifïion offins, it will make thee as largeaprofferas thedevilfometimemadeuntoChrif, ut4.4. All theft things will Dive thee, i f thouwiltfallMai, dowryandworship r ue:Sotitmay be hewill promife thee falvation andlifeeverlafting,but hewill deceivethee, for itis noneofhis tobeftow;ifhe give thee anything it fhal be that whichhepromifed not,and that is,in the end,horrorofconfcience and deflruetion. Thirdly, bypromifìng todepart whenfoever thoti wilthave it: Oh,faith finne,but givemeentertainment for this once,bebut a littlecovetous,a little proud, or atnbitious,and Iwil departwhenfoeverthou wilt have tile: But giveway unto fin in thiscafe, and thou (halt find ifwill deceive thee ; for finne hardens the heart, dulls the fenfes,and makes dead the confcience,fo that now it will not beean eafie matter todifpoffeffe finne when it hath takenpoffefïion, of the foule. It is not good to let a theefe enter into the houfe upon fuck 'conditions;therefore the Apoftlefaith,ffeb.3.23.Take heedleft any ey ohs behardened throughthedeceit fulnegeofrub;3;t3: finne;thatis,finne will promifeyou this and that, but beleeve it not,it will deceiveyou: Fourthly, in theendwhen we thinkeit Mouldbe our D friend,

iS The ÜoErine ofMortifac4tïon; friend, it will be our greateft enemy : for inftead of life,it will gave us death ; it will witnefle againft us, that weare worthyof death, becaufe wee havenegle- &ed the meanes of grace,negleeted to heare, topray, and toconferre ; andwhat was the caufeofthis remïf- neflebut lime, and yet it accuEth usof what itfelfe was the caufe. Now what greaterenemy can a man poffibly have than he that (hall provoke him to wic- ked fadt,and thenafter accule him for it : therefore let this move men tomortifie their lulls. The fifthMotive to move all men to hate firma, t$todsVt. is, Becaufe it makesus Rebels againíf God ; and who wouldbee a Rebell, and Traitour againft God and Chrift, whowas the caufe of hisbeing ? TheApo- Aom.6,19. file faith, Beingfervantsunto finne, we become ferv.ants of unrighteoufne(fe, Rom.6.r 9. that is, ifwe fuffer finne toreign inus, thenwe become fervants of unrighte- oufneffe, rebells untoGod, and enemies untoChrift, wholove righteoufneffe : now he that is afriendunto God, loves that which God loves, and hates that which God hates ;but he that isnor, lovesthe contra- ry,for unrighteoufnefle is contrary toGod,and hethat loves it, is a rebel! againft God : Every luft bath the feedofrebellion init, andas it increafeth, fo rebellion increafeth: therefore let this . movemen tomortifie finne. The fixthMotive to move men tomortifie finne, "ilivè. is, Becaufe finne will make vas Haves toSatan : The.A- poftlefaith,That to whomfnever yenyeeldyourfelvesfern wants toobey, hisfervants youare to whomyort obey, Rom. 6. 's`i6 , 16. that is, if you doenot mortifie your lulls, you willbe í]aves to your luftsa theywill beare ruleover you

The Dot1rilee®fMortificatioñà Î you ; andmiferable will be your captivity under fuck a treacherous lordas finne is : therefore ifyouwould have ChrilitobeyourLord and Matter, ifyou would be free fromthe flaveryofSatan,thenfall aflaying of your Hafts, otherwife youcannot bee thefervants of Clod : let this movemenalfo to mortifie fume. Now to make fomeufeofit to our felves : The firft VP g confedaryor ufe, ftands thus ; Seeing the Apoftle faith, If ou berifen withChid, then tnortíe your earthly members,therforeMortification is a figuewherebyyou may try your felves whether you belong untoGodor no. ifyouberifenwithChriit,that is,ifthelifeofgrace be inyou,it will notbeidle,but it will be imployed ire the flayingoffinne. Now ifMortification bee not in you, you can then claime nointereft in Chrif , or in his promifes ; for hee that Endes not Mortification wrought inhim, he hath neither Intereftunto Chrift9 nor toany thing thatappertaines unto Chrii{ : andfeee ing this is fo, let usbee taught by it, that every one fhouldenter into examinationof his owne heart, to finde out thetruth ofthis graceofMortification, efpe- cially beforehecomeunto the Sacrament ; for if we findnot Mortificationwroughtinus,wehave no right to partakeoftheoutward figues. y/ Z. ThefecondUfe or Confe`iary, is, That feein g the Apoftle faith, Morte ; herebyafcribing fomepower unto theC©loshuts tomortifie their Corruptions ; asif heethould fay, You profeífe your felves to bee rifen with Chrift, thenlet that lifewhich you have recei- ved, flayyour corruptions. Hence wenote, that there was and is inevery regenerate man, acertaine freewill todoegood. Nowwhen wee fpeakeof free will, I D 2 e, die