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The 1 oirineofMortigcation. 91 it cannot be denyedbut that is the bell part that makes usthe bell. Secondly, theyare the leafl part ; Hetha ásfaithfull in the leali, isfaithftillalft inmunch ; that is,a1l outward things are leí% thangrace, though theywere neverfogreat ; a little Faith, alittleSanctification is better thana whole kingdome without this. Paul rec- kons all hisoutwardprivileges but dung, in compari- fonofgrace, Phil. 3. 8, 9. which bee would not have Philii$,3.S,14 done if they had not beene the better part. Thirdly, theymake us unJuit ; he that is unjí in the lead, is40 uxjuff in with ; that is , hee that fitshis heart upon earthly things, it will fodraw his heart from Gods that heewillmake no confcienceofright and wrong is now that whichblindes theconfcience is certainly the wordpart. Fourthly, it makes us unfaithfull ; If yoro bane been faithfullina little wicked riches, how will youbefaithfull in the true riches r that is, heethat is earthlyMinded Godcannottrail withanygrace ; for earthlymindedneí% takes away the fidelity of the creature ; now where there is no true faith, there cant beno truerepofe in that man : Aman without faith, is likeahoufe without a folid foundation, no bodie dares truft to it,neither will God truft anearthly min- ded manwithgrace. Thusyou fee it provedby Scrip- ture, that heavenly things are the belt part. Nowwe willprove it byReafons that it is thebetter part. The firíl reafon is, becaufe Chrifl in the placesbe- 2,1 fore-named provedit to be the belt part, therefore if t?eaj®xs' you will beleeve Chril on his Word, heavenly a things are thebelt part. The fecond Reafon is, be 2; caufe they makeus thefonnes ofGod,and confequent- ly, the heiresoffalvation ; Wee are, faith the Ap offle N the