Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

The Do7rine of ort ì cation-; 1'01 clingof the Word, doth nothing elfe but draw the heart away from affeCting the pureWord, unto that . whichbath no vertue in it to fave.Againe,hePreach'd not with entifing words, left theCro ofChrftfhouldbe ofnose ofl that is, if I fhould preach my felfe in mixingany thingwith theWord, that wouldtake a way the power of the Word, the Wordwouldnot beef Iuall to worke grace in the heart therefore I dare nor Preach after thismanner,left I thould deprive theChachofthe powerof the Word, for if it want power toworke it will alío want power to fave: ther- fore the Apoftle faith, i Cor.10.4. The weapons of our I Car,co4 tvarfrearenot carrall, bist mightie through G ,&c. that is, the weaponsbywhich wee flay your corruptions and lufts,arenot carnall;that is to fay,arenot eloquence offpeech,orany human art,butare mighty through God thatis,by God there is a fecret power given unto his Word,wherby itover-maftereth the Iults in the heart, andworketh in it a newkinde ofquality. Butyouwill fayuntomee, Whatmutt wedoewith ofie e 3; our learning or what mull we notlearnScieaces,or mutt weThew no learning inPreaching To thisI atifwer, It is true,that wehad needtoufe P/kt3.1 alltheArts,Sciences,and knowledges that wecan,atid Hanw e learnng; e all will belittle enough ; for as the Apoftle .faith,Who is to b aîea isfsifj cierltfor the things ? that is,whohaththeknow- inpreaching ledgeofArts, orLearning, orEloquence Efficiently `he wore to preach the V\ ord : but yet wee mutt take heed that wee doe not bring them unto the Word as wee finde them, neither in them to flew our felves, but onely make them as a meaner to helpe us for this worke As for examples TheChildren O 3 of I