Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

io4 TheDo rine ofMortification venlyminded hath anew judgement given unto hint wherebyhe is able to feefpiritually all things in ano- ther manner thenhee did before .; I fay not, that hee faw them not at all before, but hefaw them not in that manner that hee doth now, for he is renewed in thehpirit ofhis mind,faith Saint Pau/ ; hehath a change wrought in his heart and underflanding, whereby heeis able to know and todoe thewill of God in a more futable manner then before; he hath a new light inhis foule, wherebyhe isabletoknowwhat thewillofGodinchrifl is thatis, heeknoweswhat GodBoth require tobee .done by him for Chrift, not carnallyby abareunder- ffanding, but fpiritually by theworkeof the Spirit: ti for 5 z 6, and therefore faithPaid, 2 cor. 5.16. Henceforth know we no manafter the fled ;'yea, thoughwehave known= Chrift after theflejh, yet nowhenceforth know weehim no more : that is, wee knew him before ina carnal l man- ner, as heis man, or as he was a man amongft us, but nowwe knowhim inanother manner, as he is our Sa- viour,andour Redeemer, Chrifl mySaviourandmy Reconciliation to the Father. What know- Now it is not a bare knowledge that I fpeake of, ledge is filch aknowledge as is attained unto by Learning and wrought by the Spirit. Art, for fo aman may--have knowledge, andyet not be heavenlyminded; but that knowledge I fpeakeof, isa knowledge thatis wroughtby theSpirit ; when it bath changed the heart, then hee is able to judge both ofPerfons andThings. r Fir!f, for Perfons ; bee is able to -judge of the per- p'1 iQ5' fens ofmen, and accordingly to make adifferencebe tweene men : if hee fee a Poore man that is a found Chriflian, though bee bee contemned in the eyes of the