Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

/The Contents: S. They binde us All fromGod to the devil'. p.72 IWeanes to obtamne the loathingof earthly things; Sound humiliation, p.73 Threef.legrounds thereof, ibid. 2. The royalty of f irituall things; P. 74 3. A conflaut anddiligent watchover theheart,p.7ÿ Meanes toget heavenlymindednef I. Faith, p.76 Atwofoldfnareoftbe world, tbfd. 2. Humility, p. 77 3. A hid:mein rightly informed, P.78 4, Afigtift into the Allfuf ficiency o fGod, P. 79 5. A remembrancefrom whencewe arefallen, tbid A conparifonbetweene a f irirituall anda bodily Confitmption, p.80, Motives toheavenly mindedneffe; z . Heavenly things theheftobieöl, p. 8 i 2. 2\ fweetneffe in earthly things, p.83; fir two reafons : i Becaufe they are mutable, bid 2 Becau f e theyeither belong toperfins Ens thatare z Good, belonging toGod; andthereforecan not content them,becaufi theydraw theiraf- fet/ion,fromGod, P.84 2. Wicked, unto whom they arenotfantiled, 3. No f lvationby earthly tbin's, p .86 Godwill have all the l ule,or wne. p. 87 ChriJis two marker ofa cbriflian, P. 88 4. Heavenly things are thebetterpart : proved, ib. I By Scripture, jbide ,rt feurefold differencebetweene earthlyand venly