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21 How to moriifeFornicatiot4 downe tobe the greater according to the greatnelre (Attie firi,e it felle : as may appeare by thefe two reafons : Fift, GI himfelfe rakes the puni(hment hereof into his mine hand for fo fiiththe Apofile,Heb.13 titb i3.4- 4, Wh9remongers apdOlderers Godwill iads e ; that God ,,limfelle wili bee ti), jdge ofall men, for the godly inJeed it fhaibe beii, becaute he is righteous andwill render i them L.;. Fowne;but for the wick . ed it is a fearefu3thing. tofail into the bandsofthehying God. Againe,God refcrves fuch filthy perfons for an heavy jc,dgement; according to that ofPeter,2 Pet, 2 -9p02.9,10, 9 ,To :TheLordknowethhow to deliver the godly out of temptations,andto referve the uniull unto theday ofitidg- mew to bepeinelhed but chiefly them that walke in the hilt of uncteanneffé. And this is manifell in that &are. full and grievous iudgment hee brought upon the children of Ifrael in thewildernefre, when as there 'elfin one day three and twenty thomfand for the com- rnitting ofthis finneit cor. ro.8 So God punifhed Ruben for his finne, that hereby he loft his Excellency ,Ge.49.4.andby lofing this he loft three things whichbelonged tohis birth-right ashee was the el. cleft .; firfl,the Kingdome,which,was given to ifiddb.' Secondly the Prieil, hood,whichLevi had Thirdly the doubleportion, which his father befiowecl on lofiph. Further, Siebem and Ammonalto for their fil- thineffe in this 'aide were taken away fuddenly : And howwas David punilbed, though the deare childe of God) thefwordlbesll never depart from thy touji.efrc. See alto what grievous judgments the Lord