Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

oï áö ti fiePortaicetio a 3 for everyday andhoure that bee (hall continue inhis finne ; God takes account of everyminute, and wilt, when he beginnes to rendervengeance, repay it to the utmoft farthing ; every moment addes one dropunte thevials of hiswrath, and when that is full, it thanbe powered out upon them. See this in the Church of Thyatira, Rev. 2.2i322. I gave her f ace to repentof' her Alf.f t fornication, and,fhee repentednot ; Behold, Iwill call her into it bed, andthem that cornrnt Adultery with her, inta great tribulation, exceptthey repento f theirdeeds : Becaufe Theedid not repent while Thee had time, therefore thee íh-11 have great tribulation : Let usconfider them the fearefulneffe of defpifing Gódspatience and long-, fuffering, andnotthinke our fclves ina goodconditi- on,becaufewee goe unpunithcd,butratherlet his long- fuffering andgoodneffè leadus to repcntance,whilehe gives us (pace to repent in. ThethirdDeceit, Whereby Satan beguiles men, is, Deceit i; prefent fveetneffe injinn, the delight wee takeinthea- F efentfweei dingofthisfume ; thereis a kind ofbewitchingplea-'ff' in tinneá lurein it, that leales awayourhearts from holinefíe and purity, todefile themwith filthine«eandunclean.. nefle, for ifwee give neverfo littlewayto thepleafure and fiveetneffe thereof, it will bring us prefently to theaeti gofit. But foranfwer unto this, and to pre- vent being befotted with this delight and fweetneffc ire fanne, takenoticeofthefeenfuing confiderations. Firft, bee that denies himfelfe in this fweetnel1e anddelight, (hall not lofethereby, hefhall benothing prejudiced thereby, butfhall find agreater fweetneí%, and ofa farre moreexcellent kinde, afweetnefïein the rewifonof his finnes, and reconciliationunto Iefus . Chrift