Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

The Contentsc 'Secretfinites are tobe lookedinto, p. IIz ,®tives tagrow inheaaeenly mindsdneffe,ar2 I. Hereby weare able to doeeverygoodworke, ibid. 2. Hereby God is honoured, P. 113 3. Hereby >re mayprevaile withGodinprayer, p:Ii+ `.lfewfa,ahfullprqers may doe muchgood, ibid. it Of FOR NICATIGN. DOCTRINE r. LL íncleanney'e isathing Godwouldhave mortified, andquitedeflroyedout of the hearts that hee would dwell in, pag. 116 DOCTR. z. arnication is afannethat mußbe mortified, p. t 13 The haynoufneffeofthis finofFornication appeares; L hothefinfidnef e opt: For, z. Itl contrary to Gods Spirit, p. z 19 2. It makes a¡trangeneffebetwixt Godandus, ibid 3. rt. isapunfhment of otherpanes, p. a2ß 4. It layes wale theConfcience, p. 121 5. It delights thebody more thanany otherfirs, ibid I. In thepunifhment ofit : For, 1. Godhimfelfe takes the punifbment of it into his ovine hind, p. r 2 2) Godrefervesflthyperforasfor anheazy judgement ibid.. -. TT. ¡n the danger ofit, p.123 I V. In the deceitfulneffèofit, p. izy The deceitsof the divel,wherebyhe enticethus tothisfn,are tIipe ofRepentgce, ibis , lf<trconfiderations agamA