Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

54 floro to orqe Vtacleitnnefi. ly 5all things done againft onesfelfe,are themorehai- nous 5 as felfe-rnurther is of an higher nature than murtherof another ; and the reafon is, becaufe all creaturesbynature feeke the prefervation of them- Rives : in like inannerfelfe-uncleanneffe is a great ag- gravation unto it. Fourthly and laftly, that finne which is made the punifhment of another, is ever the greater finne, now Godhath made this finne tobe thepunifhment of all other finnes, for aftera man hath long continued in o- ther finnes,at laft God gives him up to this finneas to a punifhment oftheformer : and therefore queftion-, leffe it is a great andanhaynous finne. Now finceyou have feene the haynoufneffe of this TSa e andetcoeits draw finne, in thenext place Iwill (hew you the manifold l'en on ro the deceits of Satan whereby men are provoked to the cultimetineg of this COMMiffiOnofthis filthy finne. Era, Men doe goe on in the committingof this finne, becaufe they doe hope to repent afterwards. For anfwer of this, I fay,that manwhohath a will to finne,doth harden himfelfemore andmoreby finne; and thisfinne ofUncleanneffe being a great finne, it doth harden theheartthe more, and cloth the more indifpoie a man towards God. Amanby common reafonwould thinkethat great Runesdoe make the hearttobe more fenfible butin- deed it dothnot fo, for it takes awaythefeule. Great finnesare a 'manes to harden theheart, fothatit can- not repent : Prov.z.19. .None that goeunto her rating vine, neither doe they take hold of the paths of lt f e; which is meant of repentance:. for God dothnot give repentance to thi4foie,&calk itis aLimefo evident ogaird