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156 Row tomortifieVacleànnef Rom.24. bufe Gods patience every dayandhowre, Ram.2.4. Thinkeit thoìc this, oman, and de fpfeß thou the riches ofhis goodnej,forbearance, andlongfrfering,net know- ing that thegoodneffe of God leadeth thee to Repentance Verf. . B'st after the hardne/fe and impenitencieofheart, treafurflup wrath unto thy f lfe againsi the duyof wrath andrevelationof the riihteowjudgement o fGod. of Satan. ehird de- ceit Deceit that Satan ufeth to provokemen . unto this finne, is, to judge of uncleanneffe bycorgi.. monopinion ; that is, toweigh this finne in a falfe ballance, and to looke upon it ina falte Matte; and not tocarry it to the ballance of the Sanctuary of the Lord, and thereforemany times they efleenie great fine s tobe litde fines, and little fumes to be none at all; .whenmen doe thus miflakefione, they judge of it oth`erwife than it is : As when bad company are to- gether, theydoeall allowand approve of finne, and °r."., . fo words doecorrFrpt goon' manners ; and in their o- Titus a, pinions doemake finne to be nofinneat all ; not con- fidering that pl ice, T i s 2.14. That Chr,íi gave him- fe f forus to redeemeus from all iniryrîitie, and topuri- fiert,to Inrn fAlec apecliar people, zealous ofgood rvorkes. VVIe man llath com pitted fume, his Confcience is _defiled, and fo can nomore judge of finne aright, than onethat would difcernc ofcolours in a fouleand -foyledglaffe g but when the Confcience is cleare, it fees things as they are, andfoisable to judge offnne by that rule by whichourfelves (hall be judged at the lafl day: There isafanc`ifyingSpìrit,which ifwee had, we fhould judgeoffinnearight ; and therulewhereby The Fourth we are to try finne, is thewrittenWordofGod, ti: tan. of Fourthly, Satan ufeth toprovokmen to this finrie, when