Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

HOVV TO MORTIFIE EV ILL CONCVPISCENCE. CoLos.3.''5. Mortifie thereforeyour members 'vhich are upon the earth, fornication, uncleaneneffe, mordis natea isn, evillconcupfcence (7e. Ow I ftiould proceede to foam applicationof this point , but becaufe there is a third parti- cular whichbath much affinity with thetwo former, namely, fornication, and uncleanenejje, I will firft fpeake of that which ishere inmyText, 'evill concu. pifence. By concapfcencemen doe underftand adegree of this luit ofancleanene f fe, and it is an evill inclinatjo in the power oftheSoule. TheDoctrine is , this evillconcupifcence is one of Docirisre; the sinnes which are likewife to be mortified ; Wee had neede give a reafon for it , becaufe men will hardly be perfwaded to thinke itasinne, thus it was A with