Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

Éíll Coocupifcence. IS9 drofie with filver , itmakes the fiíver the more im- pure; So evill cancapifame being in the Soule of a man, it Both bin and blemifh his good aí`ìions s when 'the thing of an'Inflrumentisbut oftune, them theMnick loth jarre. Aman that bath thong con- cupifcence inhim, hewvill defire to come to the ex- ecution ofthe worksofthem, and fo it will hauean influence to the effe6t , and will haine and blemifh any good worke hee goes about ; fo that evil con- cupifcence making a man tobe evil!, it doth blemifh and(laine all the goodations that man goes about, in that hee doth performe them either with vaine- glory or felferefpea. afox ; The fourth reafonwhyevill concupifcencefhould bemortified, is, becaufe that otherwife the com- mandementsof Godwill begrievous untous,r.iohn 5.3 For this is the loveof God, that wee keepehis com_ m4nndemesats, andhis commaundements arenotgrïeuons. The commaundements of God are not onely tobe kept ofus, but fo tobe kept , that they may be de- lightful!. unto us, Pjálm. 103. t . Ble/fe the Lardomy foule, #ndall that is within me bilehis holyname : when concupifencedoth lye in the foule ofa man, in its full vigour andVtrengthunmortified,it doth draw idhim a relu Lancefrom good duties, as when a mandoth will one thing thatis good, and an evil inclination doth fet upon him , then the commaundementsof God will be grievousuntohim , even as a manwill be unwilling to carriea burthen long. Now I proceede to thew you three things ob- Three thin s' fervable in this wordconcupifcence : vb'.. r ; . Firft, what the nature ofit is. ' A a Secondly, Pafexiv.