Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

9 2 PO to Mortifies It is an inordinate inclination,,which dothcleave untothe faculties ofthe foule , and doth indifpofe a manto that which is good,and,caries himon to that which is evill , and fo long as it abides in the foule, it makes him fruitfull todoe evill, and barren todoe good , fo that evill aétions the fruites ofevill incli- nations doe arife from it , even as water from :the fountaine,and fparkesfrom the fire. Concupifiencedoth conceive and bring forth Cnne. There is a different workeofConcupifcence in man that is evìll, and a regenerate man; In an evill man it hath dominion over him,fo that all hisaElionsand defires are finnefull: In agoodand holyman, there is concupilcencealto, but it.doth workein him by way ofrebellion, he beholdes it as a difeafe, andas an enemieunto him, and doth labour to mortifie ir, he is enlightened bygrace to fee it asadifeafe, and thereforedoth labour tocure it,moreandmore. An evill man thinkes it thebell way for his happineffe, and that his chiefefl good, doth confifl in givingfa- tisfa5tion tohis concupifcences , and thereforedoth labour to fatisfie them,and not to cure them. True itis Gods children, David, Peter,Soloma, & other holy men,have had concuplicences in them but yet were not domineered over by them ; So 1 ng asa man doth firive again(} evill concupifcen- ce;\ againfl themotions and flirrings ofthem, and that his owne confcience can beare him witnefe, he doeth refift them in fincerity ofheart, they (hall never beare fway over him.: Take the belt aáions of wicked man,the utmoff endofthemare tohim- felfe, at;d iftheutmoft end be bad, all bee Both muff needes