Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

vill Concupífcence: 197 doth kill the very inclination. Take any since that a man is naturally enclined unto; whether it bethe -sinne ofuncleanenefie, thedefire ofRiches, or what- foever, Cuftome doth makehis Wits to be ffronger, and fo doth adde to theSine, One light doth fitew a thing tobe fo , but more lights doe make it ap- peare morecleare; fo there is an addition in Sinne as well as in grace, the more they act in , the more they encreafe. Nowwhen men complaine they know not what to doe ;they cannot be without their tufts ; Let them thanke themfelves for it in fuffering them- felves by cuffome topra&ife them , but by keeping downe the a& of Shane, thelufts will evaporateaway in time, though thy luff be ilrong andviolent at the fiat ; yet ifthouwilt let it alone from theexecution of it , it will confirmand weare away at the Jail ; Therefore keepe downe thy lulls , and fuppreffe them. Thirdly, toweave thefe lofts, inordinate of ec` i- ons , and concupifcences ; the readying of the judgement, andapplying ofright meanes,dothmor- tifie the higher reafon :Now for to mortifie the lower reafon, is to turne away the bent ofaffeCtion on another objea : Ifgrace bequick and lively in a man, itturnes away the minds from shine, and the way toweave thfe lulls, is tokeepe the rninde fixed and bent on better things, as temperance, chaftity, and fobriety; for all intemperancedothbreed 1uí1, and then the devil! doth take occafion and advan- tage toworks upon a man ; but fobrietie and tern- Bb 2 perance