Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

6410 Fbev6grgleam HOW TOMORTIFIE inordinate affedion. COLDS. 3, 5. Mortifie thereforeyour members whichareupon theearth; firmcation,uncleanneffi,inordinate affeéJiorr,eviIf con- cupifcence,and covetoufn effe,which is Idolatry. Orne of thofe earthly members which the Apoftle would have us tomortifie we have alreadyhand- led ; we are now come to fpeake ofthe inordinate affaeions. The greeke word is tranflated by a double word, fotnetimes pafTion, fometime? afFe. Ction,but it is alone,foas the point iscleere,That rillImmoderatea f fetlionc mufl bemortified. 2)0£, Adottrine that maybe wellbe handled at large, it beeing generali and univerfall , an vnli- mi;ed word that reacheth untoall particular af- fetions, a dof rine that concernes every man Men,for themoft part,when they come into theo- pen view oftheworld, have a certaine compofed habit, but inwardlyare full ofinordinate affeeti- ons : It is aDoarine thereforethat fearcheth the inward parts, the mindes and hearts ofmen : a íDoarineofcontinual! ufe; for thoughmenprefse' outwardaaions, yetaffections remaiuieunruled Befides all this, a Dotrïne ofno Email d fFicul D aye