Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

The Contents: 7. ouefinne caufe androot o f another, Rerwedy,topulluptheroot. God the onelyagent ofMortification. USE2. To reprove to for f nfitll affecions. Motives toconquer inordinateaffelions . Theyare the root ofall evill, p. '240 2. They mound thefouie, p. 24 t 3. They breedfóolilb andhurtfulllulls, p 24.3 4. Theyhinder thedoingofgoodadions, 5. Theybring fhameanddipour, p.. 244. 6. Theyblink thereaforaandjudgement, p. 245 OfCOVEToVSNES. OVetoufneffewhat, p I. 25 YYhy it as called Idolatry. DOCTR. r. Tofeeke.helpe andcomfortfrom riches or any other creator4 . andnotfromGod alone,1svaine andfinfidl, p. z DOCTR. 2. ThatCevetou fnef, which is Idolatry, is to bee mortified, p. 2.25 Reafans thatGodonely canbe comfort untow, and not the creature, are r. Codis Allf i ffrcient, PO' 2. 2h2creature isemptyandvaine, p. 6 3. Wecoamy1t the (inneof idolatry ingiving that to the creaturewhich is duet.) Goa. USE z. Toexhoqmen toabjatzifró lu flipafterworldlythinss,p.7 God