Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

the Contents. For rorong ends, p.2 8 4.idoa wrong manner ; which confifls in thefe attars : whenwe f eke.them, z Out of love to them, 2 To truft to them. 3 Tobeprifedupby them, P.29 4 Toglory in them. 5 With too much hafte andeagerne. In the defireofriches there is adouble context, p. 3o . Acontentedne11e,with a dependanceon Gods will. z. A contentedne(fe with afibmijsion toGods will. How farre aman maydefire wealth, P. 3 Y threefelà necefsity ofthe creatures. x. ofexpedience. 2. o f condition andplace, P.3 2 3. of refrefl3ment. defireof riches forfispofluity and excelp,(Willi ; for thefe reefins 1. Mans lifefands not in abundanceofexce. 2. itproceeds from anevill root, P. 33 3. ft,n iynot be prayedfor. 4. It is dangerous,for it chokes theWord, p. 34 5. We ha reeanexpref e Commnndement againft it. Theendof a mans callingis not to gather riches, but to ferve God, P. 35, Riches ,the wages, not endofour calling. Rules to direa our care in gettingwealth, P. 3.7 I Nogoing into other mens callings, 2 The endmuff not be riches, but Gods glory. 3 The care muß not be inordinate. Sipes ofinordinate care,are . Trouble in theacquiring, p.38 Feare