Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

iS The ÜoErine ofMortifac4tïon; friend, it will be our greateft enemy : for inftead of life,it will gave us death ; it will witnefle againft us, that weare worthyof death, becaufe wee havenegle- &ed the meanes of grace,negleeted to heare, topray, and toconferre ; andwhat was the caufeofthis remïf- neflebut lime, and yet it accuEth usof what itfelfe was the caufe. Now what greaterenemy can a man poffibly have than he that (hall provoke him to wic- ked fadt,and thenafter accule him for it : therefore let this move men tomortifie their lulls. The fifthMotive to move all men to hate firma, t$todsVt. is, Becaufe it makesus Rebels againíf God ; and who wouldbee a Rebell, and Traitour againft God and Chrift, whowas the caufe of hisbeing ? TheApo- Aom.6,19. file faith, Beingfervantsunto finne, we become ferv.ants of unrighteoufne(fe, Rom.6.r 9. that is, ifwe fuffer finne toreign inus, thenwe become fervants of unrighte- oufneffe, rebells untoGod, and enemies untoChrift, wholove righteoufneffe : now he that is afriendunto God, loves that which God loves, and hates that which God hates ;but he that isnor, lovesthe contra- ry,for unrighteoufnefle is contrary toGod,and hethat loves it, is a rebel! againft God : Every luft bath the feedofrebellion init, andas it increafeth, fo rebellion increafeth: therefore let this . movemen tomortifie finne. The fixthMotive to move men tomortifie finne, "ilivè. is, Becaufe finne will make vas Haves toSatan : The.A- poftlefaith,That to whomfnever yenyeeldyourfelvesfern wants toobey, hisfervants youare to whomyort obey, Rom. 6. 's`i6 , 16. that is, if you doenot mortifie your lulls, you willbe í]aves to your luftsa theywill beare ruleover you