Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

tg6 TheDoRrine ofSelfe.deniall. that is, Life eternall, withall things belong, ing to it 5 and thefe, two we have finifhed the third is, what wee mutt doe for CHRIS And that is, Wee muß deny our. 'elves, take C'hr cr6ifeandfellow him : and for this end I have chofen this Text. And hee faide unto them all Ifany man will come after mee let him deny htmfelfe and take vp ofe Cr, daily, and follow mee, As if hee fhoulci have laid, all expecting anybenefit from menow I look for this from them againe , to deny themfelves, to daily crofre, and fol- lowme. The occafion of thefe words, was this, C R s T told them before, that the Sonneof man muft fuller many things, goe throughma- ny troubles and drinke this Cup now from this, he makes this confeetary: Hee that will bee mine, MOdoe the fame things that I doe, thoughnot in the fame meafure 5 Hemuß deny himfelfe, hee maji take Hp hü.daily croffe, as I doe dye on the Crotre, an follow mee. The maimPoin6t intended is this. Who ever will have benefit by mee, mua followmee. Now thereare twomaine impediments that hinder men from following me ; The fira is P lea- fines, or any thing that a man luftsafter;there- fore hee that comes to me limit deny himfeife. The fecund is croffes ; bee that followcs mee meets with many troubles, crotres and afflieti- ons from the Divell and the world 5 now hee mua 4,