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26 TheDoefrineofMort#4tion, offinne, and thebafeneffeof our nature, and alfo the excellencies that are in Chrift, both of Jufiification and remiffionof fin ies. And this neceffirily Howes from the former ; for iftherebea willingmiede ina man tomortifie finne, then certainly heewilltakeany paines that hemayattaineunto it;as theApofile faith, a eor.9.26. Inunrrenot in vain,as onethat beats thegyre ; thatis, I t.:kepaynes, but it is not invaine ; I take no more paynesthen I im fi needs, forif Idid take leífe, I could not come unto thatTam at.. The leffe labour that any man takes in the Mortificationof finne, the morewill finne increafe; and themore itincreafeth, the more worke it maketh a man have to.mortifie it:: therefore it Rands men uponto take paynes with their: corruptions in time, that fo they may prevent grea- ter labour : and this meets with theerrours of cera tinemen: Errors ofmcn Firíi, thofethat thi:ake that all firmes have the like about m°rti i proportionoflabourin mortifying they thinke that cati t on. p y y a man maytake nomorepaynes for the mortifyingof one finne, than another ; but thefe men are deceived, , for all frames arenot alike in a man,but force are more, force are leffeviolent ; and accordingly,Mortification S'SDile muff be anfwerable unto the finne.It is withMortifi- cation in this cafe,as it is withphyficke in difeafes ; all`. difeafes require not the farne phyficke, for forne cafes muft be pi irgedwithbitterpills, others not with the likefh:irpneffe : againe, formphyficke is for weak- ging, others for reftoring the ítrength even fo there arefore frnnes, like that devil! which, our Saviour Ipeakes of, that cannot be caFt. oftbrat by fetingand' ,trayer : that is, they cannot bemortified without much paynes