Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

TheDod rineofMortification: with that Claufe,coll4.23., where theApoffle faith, that this aftliEìingofthe body isbut formali,wíll-r or- fhip;theyprefcribefor thedifeafeaquitecontrary me. dicine; thedifeafe isinward,fo themedicinmud bee inward :. NowMortification is a turningof the heart, a,change of the heart, a labour of the heart,: butwhipping and beatingofthe body is but,as itwere,. the applying of the plaiffer it felfe ; for an outward.. plaiffer cannot poffibly airean inward .difeafe; that . is,.a difeafeofthe foule ; butifthedifeafebe inward, then the cure muft bee wrought inwardly by the_ Spirit. Notwithffandi ig, I confefl"e there are out- ward meanes tobeufed, whichmaymuch furtherthe worke ofMorrification, but yet we muft takeheedof deceit that maybe in them,that.we.doenotafcribe the . worke unto them ; for if wee doe, they will be Theoutward come 'haresuntous ; and therefore toprevent all dan manes which ger ofdeceitfrom thee, Iwill here let them downe. further Mor- The firff outward meanes, is, moderate ufeof lMP- tification, fuflthings. ; that is, whenmenufc.lawfull things in a 1 tion irrrin WI odera- lafull law,full manner as amoderation indyer, inclothes, things, in recreations, andpleafures, a moderate ufe of a lawfull calling , _ and many more which may bee means to further this worke :. but yet wee muff take heed of exceffe in thefe lawfall things ; that . Execs in law- ful! things is is, wee muft . take heed : that wee doe not goe to. l dangerous. the utmoft of them ; for if wee doe, it is a thou fand to one wee (hall exceed.. As for example, It is lawfull for a man to eate, and to .drinke, and to tile the Creatures . of God.. for . his . nourifhment ; and : it is lawfull for a man to clothe his body,. and life recreations fo.. farrc forth as they may £true.