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30 TheDearineofMortCatiati: this cafe, that thouwilt not doe fucha thing, orfuch a thing ; ifitbe for matterof good to thy foule,make confcience of it, take heed thou breakenot thyvow with God in this cafe ; for as this tyes thee inadon- ble bond, fo thebreachof it becomes a double finne : Againe, takeheed that thyvowbenot perpetuall, for then it willbe fo farre frombeing a meanes of thy good, that it will be a fnare unto evill ; for whenmen makeperpetuall vowes,at laft theybecomea burthen,_ and men love not tobeare burthens : Therefore, if youmake avow, make it but for atime ; thatis,make it fo that youmay renew it often, either weckely, or monethly, oraccording asyou feeneceffity require; fo that when time is expired, you may either renew them, or letthem ceafe. Now if youobferve this in themakingofyour vowes,itmaybee another meanes unto thisworke, otherwife it will be aMare. The third out- The third outwardmeanes, is, The avoOngofalloe,- ward :wanes, eafion to fixne : Whena man avoyds either thecompa- ny of filch men as formerly were a meanesto pro- cilavf ictoyna tion yoke him to finne, or the doing of fuchanions mayprovoke luft or finne in this kinde, orplaces that are infedious this way ; this willbe ameanes tomor- tification. And thiswe findwas that commandwhich God laydupon every Nazarite,Ntimb.6.4.. theymuft not only abflayne from ftrong drinke, but alfo they Inuit calf out the huskes ofthegrapes, left they bee an occafion of thebreachof theirvow : So inExpel/. 12,. 15. thechildrenofIliadwerenotonely commanded toabftayne from the eatingofunleavenedbread, but it muff beput out oftheir hdufes, left the having of it in their houfes fhoul4 bee an occafion to make them