Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

Z TbeDoiirïneof Mortification: Lawfully : forwhat is Failingbut a curbing of the fileth,ándapullingof it down; abridelingofNature, and akinde of mortifyingof the body andwhat is Prayer, but a_prayingor beggingof grace, or for the prefervationofgrace, andpower againft corruptions` Thefe two things are very commendable, andmuch ufed in the Primitive Church ; for the Apoftle faith, Let FaftiPg andPrayer bemadefar eathe Churches: which if it hadnot beene neceffary, hewould not have com- mended it unto the Church. AndI feeno reafon why it fhould befo much neglegtedamongft us, efpecially at this time, in regardof the aftiétionof the Church abroad, whofeneceffity requireth it; and alío being _a thingfo acceptabletoGod,and commendable in the Church,I wouldit were ingreater favour and requeft amongft us. 3 The thirdmeanes, if youwould have your finnes ileanes,The,mortified, is, To labour to get the afliflanceof the aífiftance at the fpìric. Spirit ; for this muff ofnecefïiry follow, orelfetheo- ther twowill nothing availeus ; for what will it a- vaile us though wee haveawillingheart to part with finne, andwhat though we take paynes in themortify- ingof our lofts, if the Spirit doe not accompanyus, a1l is nothingworth ; therefore if thou wouldefihave this work effectuallydone,thou mutt gettheSpirit. But this may feeme a ftran`e thing, a thingof im- srlt' pofhbility to getthe Spirit ; for youwill fay, Flow is itinour power to get theSpirit How can wee caufe the Spirit tocome from heaven into our hurts, feeing our Saviour faith; lohn3.8. that the windblorveth where rt hill l ; that is, the Spirit worketh where it lifteth : now if the Spirit bee the agent and workerof every grace,