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TheDortrihreofMortification.' 35 ( faith hee) no evill Communication proceed out of yew motithes and then prefently adjoynes, andgrievenotthe spirit : for if you give your felves to corrupt Com- munication androtten fpeeches, you will grieve the Spirit, it willbee ameanesof the Spirits departure the Spirit is a cleane Spirit,and he loves acleanhabi tation,a heart that bath purred it felfeofthefe corrup,. tions. Thereforewhenyou-heare aman that hath rot- ten fpeeches inhis mouth, fay, that man grieves the Spirit; for there is nothing fo odiousand contrary to men, as thefe are to the Spirit : and therefore if you wouldkeepe the Spirit, then let your words be graci- ous,pemclred with pit that is, with the graceof the Spirit proceeding froma fanaifiedheart : andas fpee- ches, foall evill adions, in like manner, grieve the heart. Thirdly, what is meant byquenchingof the Spi- How the Spi. rit Amanis raid toquench theSpirir,when there is a rit is çuea carelefnetre in theufingofthemeanesofgracewhere- chel by the Spirit is increafed ; that is, when men grow careleffe and remiffeintheduties of Religion, either inhearing, reading, praying, or meditating. Againe, za; when aman dothnot cherifh every goodmoti6ofthe Spirit inhis heart, eitherto pray, orto heare,&c. but lets themlye without pra6tice this is aquenching of the Spirit: therefore theApoftle faith, t Thef.5.19. TheCs., Quench not the Spirit that is, by a negled of the meanes. Thirdly youwould get theSpirit, youmutt uft prayer ; for prayer is a fpeciall manes to get the 3 Spirit; andit is thefamemeanes that Chrift uidwhen heewould have.the holy Ghat for his Difciples, hee F z prayed